The Wired article has now been translated to Japanese, Spanish, Portugese (Please note: I call "Cibervibradores" for band name purposes. MINE.), and even Canadian! Possibly more, but these are what I found through my referers.

Now, seeing I can hardly speak English (as anyone who's had to proofread my articles realized), I had to throw all of this stuff through Babelfish to see if anything had been added to the info presented in the article. Of course, it just turned everything into incredibly silly gibberish, but once again, it's a slow news day, so I thought I'd share.

From the Japanese Article:

If sight ' slash Don which thinks of the relationship of sexbetween technology' the chairman, the calling ' q dot ' (qDot), only the opportunity it is, you think whether those which does not reach the point where everyone can participate in remote sex.


The initial idea of the creator of the site can take some to consider it a demented person (or not, who knows...): a vibrator that, on to the PC, vibrates fast more depending on amount of people deceased for you in the game "Quake".

I'm honestly impressed with how well language translation engines are doing these days, but it looks like we've still got quite a ways to go.

Note: The post title is a reference to Tiny Toons. Go ask your teenagers who will still admit they watched cartoons in the 90's. Just don't tell them where you saw it.