Arse Elektronika Presentation: One Big Clip, Thanks to Vimeo
Thank fucking GOD for Vimeo. No more stupid 10 minute clips. Now I've got the whole presentation in one go. 59 minutes.
Of course, it's also up on YouTube, in 8 parts, divided by topic.
- Part 1: Intro
- Part 2: Hardware Types
- Part 3: Audio and Teledildonic Control Interfaces
- Part 4: End User Programmable and Video Synchronization Interfaces
- Part 5: Video Game and "Other" Interfaces
- Part 6: Why DIY and Why We Should Care
- Part 7: The Future of Sex Tech
- Part 8: Research Example: Microtransaction Interfaces
Honestly, until editing it, I didn't realize how ridiculously dense this presentation is. I basically manage to braindump almost everything I've done in 2 years into about an hour of nothing but pure factage and a lot of cursing and silly images. Just proves that I should really work on filling out Opendildonics more so the world will still have all of this if I die in a horrible dildo related accident.
Oh yeah. Merry Christmas.