The Forums are Dead. Long Live Someone Else's Forums.
So, as you may've noticed, the slashdong message boards are dead. Due to spam accounts, they've had registration shut down for the past year if not longer, and I really just don't have time to manage them anymore. However, that doesn't mean you're out of luck in terms of places to talk about sex tech.
First off, we've now got nice, shiny Disqus driven comments here on all the posts for slashdong, so you can talk amongst yourselves in the contexts of our posts.
There's always Regina Lynn's Sex Drive Mailing List, which has been around longer than we have, and is still more consistently active than us.
In terms of new places to chat, FetLife has many great forums on pretty much every fetish topic under the sun. The Fucking Machines and High Tech Sex Forums is moderated by the knowledgeable author of the KamaSutronics sex blog. The forum is frequented by many of the major names in sex machine building, such as the inventors of the HugHer, and Slashdong friend + Thrillhammer creator Allen Stein, and I throw a random post or two in every so often.
Over at the Milovana web teasing site, there's now a Hardware and Teledildonics Forum, with lots of discussions about protocol building (which I'll be posting more about here soon) and interesting hardware like Penile Plethysmographs.
In terms of broken links to old articles on the message boards, I'm currently working on fixing those, and hope to have something up and running to redirect broken links by next week. While our own boards may be dead, there's now many other places people interested in these topics can gather.
But that doesn't mean you should stop reading Slashdong.