
The Future Sex Magazine Archival Project

Future Sex Magazine came out in the era of Mondo 2000 and the beginning of Wired, that early 90's period where pastels meant cyber. It covered sex and technology in a time when even just covering technology in a cultural sense was a fairly new thing. It's basically the San Francisco I wanted to move to, not the San Francisco I got.

Anyways, there's not much information left out there about the magazine itself. This sucks. We need the history available.

With this in mind, I've set out to try and get all of 7 issues digitized. Luckily, famicoman on Internet Archive (fair warning: clicking that link can kill hours if you like tech zines) has already started working on the same thing! The above picture is his collection of the zines, and he's already got Issue 5 scanned and available on Internet Archive. I've managed to pick up issues 4 and 7, and will be working on getting those scanned over the next couple of weeks.

The one issue neither of us have is Issue 1. From what little information I could find, it sounds like Issue 1 was more of a trial run of the idea versus the more on-topic later issues, but for completeness sake I'd like to get it scanned anyways. If anyone reading this has a copy, please email tips at and we'll see what we can figure out.

All currently scanned issues of Future Sex can be found at the Metafetish Future Sex Archive Project Index

Sex Tech News Roundup 2016-03-14

Sex tech news time!

Sex Tech Crowdfunding Roundup 2016-03-09

Let's see who's getting money today.

  • Lioness Vibrator
    • 183% (US$91525 raised / US$50000 needed) in 29 days, 11 days left.

  • VirtuaDolls
    • 115% (US$57494 raised / US$50000 needed) in 33 days, 7 days left.

Can't seem to find any new campaigns this week. Pleasepleaseplease fix your crappy search, indiegogo.

Sex Tech News Roundup 2016-03-07


That's it for this week's SavedYouAClick of sex tech.

Sex Tech Crowdfunding Roundup 2016-03-02

Making these posts would be about a million times easier if Indiegogo's search capabilities weren't complete shit, ya know?

  • The Booty 2.0
    • 6% (US$1174 raised / US$20000 needed) in 16 days, 24 days left.
    • News/Thoughts: Ok, so, this isn't exactly sex tech. And it's a preorder campaign, not crowdfunding. However, let me draw your attention to this line from the campaign copy: "The Booty 2.0 is made from a unique rubber not found amongst North American flesh toys." Now just fucking try and convince me this isn't a plot by aliens to take over the men of Earth via a fucktube. Seriously. "Unique rubber"? "FLESH TOYS"?

  • My Vibe Our Vibe Smart Sextoy Sharing Platform
    • 0% (US$0 raised / ~US$62808 needed) in 0 days, 60? days left
    • News/Thoughts: Campaign copy tl;dr: "How would you like a toy that does everything every other toy on the market does! We're gonna do that! Here's some UI we put together in Paint Shop Pro in 3 minutes and we promise they're be hardware. We tracked pirates once, which means we're qualified to make tech sex now!"

  • Lioness Vibrator
    • 169% (US$84637 raised / US$50000 needed) in 21 days, 19 days left.

  • VirtuaDolls
    • 103% (US$51572 raised / US$50000 needed) in 25 days, 15 days left.

  • Blewit
    • 350% ($70588/$20000), campaign over