
Masturbation Challenge Interfaces - Fap Gauntlet and Cock Hero

In doing some research for an upcoming project, I've been looking through different internet related interfaces for stimulation display during masturbation. Or, in non-faux-academic parlance: jackin' games. I figured I might as well write up my notes on the interfaces and ideas behind Fap Gauntlets and Cock Hero.

No. Not that kind of gauntlet.

Both of these "games" focus on masturbating for as long as possible, using different properties (speed, pressure, etc...). The differences come in how they're built, and the interfaces they use to set the properties of the game.

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The Pen15 Board Now At Trinculo's Attic

The Pen15 Board now at Trinculo's Attic

Just a quick update. As of, oh, about 8 months ago, the shop location for the Pen15 Board changed. It is now on sale at Trinculo's Attic. Same price at it was before, plus you can load up your cart with all of your theatrical electronics needs while you're at it!

RealTouch Removes DRM, Goes Open Source

Last Tuesday, an amazing thing happened. A thing that will forever change how we deal with each other and the world around us. Something we thought only governments could do, that's now in the hands of everyone.

Things. Happening.

Last Tuesday, RealTouch released version 2.0 of their Platform Agent Software, along with a firmware update for the hardware. Usually sex toy software updates aren't really cause for mass celebration, but this is a big deal.


Why? Because there's no longer security on the system. The RealTouch is now an open sex toy development system on any operating system you can access the hardware from. With the release of my librealtouch software, that's pretty much all of them.


Now, for those of you that don't remember, the RealTouch is a sex toy (mainly for men, but after our last post, I'm sure there are enterprising women out there that might find some use for it) that synchronizes with movies you play on your computer. This means that if someone/something is moving back and forth in the movie, the belts on the toy will move in the same direction/speed. There's also a heater and lube injection mechanism, making it one of the more advanced toys on the market.

Before this latest release, it cost a good bit of cash to buy the video streams for your toy, and they could only be streamed off the web, so you were stuck being connected to the net, or not having much fun with the RealTouch hardware. That's now no longer the case.

This move brings up a lot of questions. Why open source now? How open source is it? How will they continue to make money? What does this mean for developers? I'll try to cover most of these, as the company behind RealTouch was kind enough to fill me in on the details.

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Well I Suppose You Could Use It That Way - Kanojo Toys + XTube

Nothing like continuing to kick off the sex tech blog where I never talk about porn or sex by talking about porn. SEX PORN.

Or... well, sex porn advertising. Sorta.

Kanojo Toys, one of my favorite toy websites just for the sheer amount of weird things they sell to westerners at an insane markup because hey it's Japanese, has put up an XTube account with a model showing how to use various toys they sell.

Cyclone Demo Video Image

Now, this wouldn't be all that out of the ordinary, except for the fact that Kanojo sells a LOT of toys specifically oriented to the male gender, but it's the same female model in every video. She's... VERY excited about using these toys even though there's not really a lot going on for her. Can't fault the enthusiasm though. Some other examples:

It's an interesting sales pitch, to say the least. I wouldn't have thought of a lesbian love doll scene as a marketing strategy, but I suppose it works. You could probably insert something about gender juxtaposition as a sales tactic, too. I will leave that up to you, though.

via TokyoKinky

Where is the open source sex software?

In yet another case of starting research for one blog post and ending with another topic completely...

When I first started this post, I was thinking that I'd talk about some of the message boards that I commonly look for content for Slashdong on. Places where developers post small utilities they've come up with that integrate with whatever it is they do in the bedroom, or in front of the computer, or possibly in the bedroom in front of the computer at the same time if you're into that.

Here's a quick list:

I realized that there's a site I look at way more often for software these days: Github. Granted, Github doesn't really get you built software, but I'm also just used to building everything myself these days when I'm not pulling it from whatever package system I'm using. So I decided to see what github has in the way of sex software available to the public.


Now I've always called my personal github account the World's Only NSFW github account, mainly because I'm pretty sure there aren't many other people putting up code and specs for Arduino Dildos and emacs teledildonics modes on what these days might as well be your resume in the valley. But I figured there had to be at least one or two open source sex software projects on there other than mine.

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