
Liveblogging from SXSW Interative

Dude behind me just totally said "I'm down with RSS."

No, seriously.


Anyways, hi, I'm currently in Austin at Screenburn/SXSW Interactive, from today until Tuesday. I'll be living blogging the whole fucking experience because if I have to sit through 5 days of RSS, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 (Hi SLers!), monetizing things, getting eyeballs, etc etc etc, then SO DO YOU.

I'll try to throw some sex toy talk in too, from time to time, so I can stay on track.

So what is your fair sex toy engineer doing here, anyways? Well, other than being an ass and making quite sure I'll never be able to work in blogging, IT, the web, or anything outside of my basement, I'll be speaking on the "Secret Sex Lives of Video Games" Panel on Tuesday.

In Slashdong Relevant news, to those of you that made it this far in the post. The SexBox v5 is done, is sitting in my hotel room, and will be seieng live demos at both SXSW and GDC. Then it's straight from the conferences and to the page, as I'll be posting the tutorial as soon as I get time to write it. The goodness involves: Serial/USB support, expansion slots, and 4 PORTS OF VIBRATEY LUV. Aw yeah. Rockin' it newskewlsextoy in 2006.

My god. See that last sentence? That's what this shit is doing to me. 5 days left, man. 5 days.

If you're here, look for me. I'll be the only guy without a timbuk2 bag.

Pictures from Slashdong 1st Birthday Party in SL

Pictures from Slashdong 1st Birthday Party in SL

Well, the party is over with, I've finally recovered from sitting in front of my computer and drinking heavily, and from the photos, it looks like everyone had fun.

Thanks to Gomi Mfume for DJing throughout the evening, and to everyone that showed up. Photos are now available on my flickr account.

Slashdong Party Tonight on SL!


So, to recap, Slashdong Second Life Party tonight. 5PM PST/Second Life World Time, on Saturday, March 4th @ Nonpolynomial Labs, Deneb (222,190)

TranceVibrator - Linux/OSX Drivers and fingerd client.

TranceVibrator - Linux/OSX Drivers and fingerd client

Rejoice, ye of non windows operating systems! For there is now TranceVibrator support for all!

First off, there're now drivers for the TranceVibrator for OS/X and Linux (created from the original FreeBSD drivers). I'm going to figure that if you're going to try this, you know how to compile things. If not, email the tips address, whine a little bit, and I might be persueded to put a tutorial together. You'll need libusb.

Next up, since we seem to be all about interface these days... You can't really get much geekier than a teledildonics interface created using the fingerd internet request system.

Remember fingerd? Then you are officially old. From the program instructions:

This program is a rudimentary teledildonics application built around the finger daemon - hence bringing generations of CS undergrad innuendo full circle.

It has two modes in addition to what you're seeing now - if you finger (any string)@(this host), a series of random pulses will be generated, proportional to the length of the string.

Alternatively, fingering 0x(hex digits)@(this host) will instead send a direct stream of motor speeds to the vibrator, one per second.

This makes me happy in ways far, far too geeky to explain in anything but greek symbols.

Slashdong Birthday Party in Second Life - Saturday, March 4th, 2006 - 5PM PST Until ???

Yup, we're havin' a party to celebrate the first birthday of Slashdong!

Now, of course, I'm too damn poor to have a REAL party, not to mention I don't think most of my readership lives in, or near, Oklahoma at the moment, so this is going to be a virtual party in Second Life!

Yes, that's right. I'm celebrating the first year of running a blog by sitting in front of my computer monitor, playing silly music, and drinking heavily. If there were every a more stereotypical way to party about a site about virtual sex, I certainly couldn't think of it.

So, party starts at 5PM PST/Second Life World Time.

It'll be at Nonpolynomial Labs, Deneb (222,190). If you can't figure out how to get there or are just too lazy, send a message to qDot Bunnyhug in world and we'll get you set up with a teleport.

If you don't have an account, well, sign up! They're free! Just go to, all you need is a mobile phone number (or a credit card), for age verification. Other than that, FREE! FREE DAMNIT! FREE!

See you Saturday!