
Vibrating Cam Dildo

Vibrating Cam Dildo


So, it's really not all THAT newsy, but at least it's interesting. We've featured dildocams before, but they've been a little on the questionable side. However, we, for some reason, trust California Exotics to make a dildocam we'd... do something that you do with a dildocam. Like, say, thread it through your drainage gutters and see what's clogging them. Or... um.... use it as a microphone and secretly look up people's noses.

Upnose shots. Slashdong creates yet another fetish. Remember, you heard it here first.

via Sex Drive Blog

MMOrgy: Game Addiction Issue of The Escapist

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

The Escapist is all about addiction this week, an issue that is dealt with quite often in the intersection of sex and the internet. Despite All Our Games discusses the matters of brain chemistry behind game addiction, explaining the biological matters of why we get hooked.

As anyone who talks to me with any frequency knows, I'm all about using events to harness brain chemistry for immersive player experiences, but just like any proper mad scientist project, something can always go awry, and this article shows one of those times. Of course, it's not as bad as say, snorting coke, like some people would have you believe. But, it can still crush parts of your life pretty badly (a war story most players have experienced at one time or another.), and adding sex to the mix just makes the solution even more volatile.

MMOrgy: Wanted: Second Life Players in Toronto

Originally written by qDot for

Just got an email about this, and we've gotten enough referals on SL that maybe, just MAYBE one of you is from Toronto and wouldn't mind being a celebrity...

An upcoming CBC radio segment on the virtual world of Second Life needs one more Toronto resident to feature in an interview:

"We are still working on our radio show about Second Life for CBC Radio. We are short just one person in Toronto and we're coming to the city next week! So if you live in or near Toronto, and you wouldn't mind showing us around Second Life for a few hours, send me an e-mail. Because it is radio the interview is simple and comfortable (no cameras!) and we can be discrete about your real-life identity. If you can help us out please e-mail me at"

Text via Clickable Culture

MMOrgy: New Daedelus Project Issue Up

Originally written by qDot for

Nick Yee's Daedelus Project has just released a new set of demographics for MMO users. Some of the findings that are interesting to sex in games developers:

  • For every single woman in an MMO, there are 10 single men.
  • The romantic partners of female players are about three times more likely to play the MMO they play than the romantic partners of male players.
  • Most of them didn’t stick with text-based gaming, but women were a lot more likely to stick with it than men.
  • The more a player chats and socializes in an MMO, the more likely they report having fun.
  • The more players chat and socialize, the lower their likelihood of quitting.

How these statistics will follow up in MMOVSGs are anyone's guess. The 10:1 ratio certainly doesn't bode well (though in a world that doesn't involving grinding to get anywhere, this will probably even out), but the satistics on chating and socializing are very promising.

via IGDA Sex In Games Blog

MMOrgy: Sex in MMOs Burning/Freezing up the Net?

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Last week was busy in terms of press, both good and bad.

On the good side, features on sex in MMOs from Germany's Der Spiegel and Wired Japan. Having covered two of what are considered to be the most sexually concious countries on the planet in the same week, we feel like we've done our job..

Back on the homefront, there's been some interesting developments in the discussion of Sex In MMOs. Mainly, it seems that few want to. Terra Nova's usually comment heavy posts went pretty light on the conversation, and Hamlet Linden's survey returned results showing that articles on Sex and Relationships were the least liked by readers.

Gauging by our technorati stats and hit statistics, Sex In MMOs still seems to be a interesting topic, though it does make me question how many people see it as a positive one. So, what do you think? Are readers just here for the shock value, are we on to something, or, once again, is it a little of both?