
MMOrgy: Terra Nova on MMOVSG/MMOEGs

Originally written by qDot for

Ren Reynolds at Terra Nova (the blog choosy acadmics choose for their MMOG news) has a post up with predictions on the success of upcoming MMOEG/MMOVSG titles. According to Ren, the outlook for the current line-up seems a little bleak, with everyone getting something right, but no one getting everything right. Will MMOEGs take off, or will mainstream companies bend to the will of the horny consumer?

Boy, it's gonna be a fun year to watch.

MMOrgy: Adult Roleplay Guide

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

The Adult Roleplay Guide was originally meant as a guide to furry sex on text based virtual worlds, but it could easily cover any sort of sexual interaction in MMOs. There's a lot of interesting history contained in this page, as well as tips that those of us that regularly deal with a wide sample of the sexually active online population wish were common knowledge.

Of course, if your imagination has been absolutely ruined by years of [insert scapegoat pop culture medium here], you can always use the Adult Roleplay Scene Generator to come up with a fun situation for you and your fonted lover.

Searches... We get searches... We get stacks and stacks of searches...

Yeah, it's real, real slow in the sex tech world this time of year. All the bloggers I usually steal scrape aggregate content from are on their little "vacation" from being hard at work typing up what they had for lunch on a daily basis, so I'm stuck coming up with my own shit. We don't need no breaks here at Slashdong, oh hell no.

So, in lieu of actually having anything interesting to say, I'll rip off more ideas!

Google's end of year Zeitgeist is always a fun read. But, do ya ever wonder what the search term list of a site like Slashdong looks like?

Oh, lordy, it's entertaining. Lots less pop stars, lots more dildos. Here's a few of my favorites from this month, along with my snide, stupid comments.

  • dog knot - Ok, this one always ranks pretty high, mainly due to a rather unfortunate combination of word usage on our Haptic Cow Simulator post.
  • linux sex - Yeah. You wish.
  • roboraptor owners manual - Oh you poor bastard.
  • we are on the fucking moon - Yes, yes we are.
  • twister the raper - WTF? There's a few variations on this search every month. I dunno why.
  • usb penis - Well, I suppose there's USB everything else now
  • robosapien sex - "Mom, why is my robot all sticky?!"
  • pervert games - Crisco Twister
  • squicked - Well, at least I'm not the only one who uses this term. I just don't like being on the descriptive end of it.
  • boy dong boys - That's going on the band name list.
  • shit hot motors - Also going on the band name list.
  • bananaphone masturbation - No, seriously, ew. No mixing Raffi and sex.
  • fosters home imaginary porn - NO. NONONONONONONO. NO. NO. (I LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK)
  • tons of videos of people having serious sex - As opposed to the flourishing "silly sex" porn video industry
  • how make sex toys with home appliances - "Mom, why is my Kitchenaid all sticky?"
  • human upgrades motorised orgasm - "Yeah, it's got a hemi"
  • slutwifecharms - No, seriously, why didn't anyone get me one of these for Christmas? (Most likely because the page no longer exists. cry)
  • sex after married - See "Linux Sex" comment
  • way of sex by force - Followup to Art of War
  • diy hot glue gun dildo - No. Don't put the hot glue gun there.
  • mild girls - Mmmm, tepid, tepid ladies.
  • masturbating with women s shoes - "Mom why are my Jimmy Choo's all sti.." Ok, really, I'll stop now.
  • pussy offer titty twister mp3 - The music the kids listen to these days...
  • how to rape a women give a demostration - I don't like the internet sometimes.
  • home depot sex toy - Bob Villa would be proud
  • her first dangerous dong sex - Lighting it on fire just wasn't a good idea in the first place

ET-312 Control Through Perl Scripts

ET-312 Control Through Perl Scripts (Update 2013-05-12: Now mirrored on github, hopefully forever and ever more)

Remember that whole kurfuffle about me recommending the ErosTek 312 unit for the Wired Christmas Gift Guide? Well, for all of you that did go ahead and buy it, you can now add the joy of perl hacking to your new toy! Some enterprising engineers over on the SmartStim Boards have found a way to control the ET-312 unit through Perl, meaning we shall soon be seeing all sorts of wonderful things causing happy nerve stimulation (I personally will be looking forward to my toast being done a LOT more, now).

The software is GPL, meaning no warrenty and no liability, so, for the love of GOD, please be safe. No crispy cocks for us, thank you very much.

Please note, the boards do require registration, but it's very much worth it, as they are an amazing resource for electrostim info.

MMOrgy: "Simulated Sex" Article on

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

As part of the special Sex in Video Games issue of (including an interview by yours truly with Brenda Brathwaite), there's an article on a new user's tour of sex in MMOs, specifically Sociolotron, Seducity/XOXCity/VZones, and Second Life. As usual, Second Life comes out on top, though I do enjoy the relation of Sociolotron to a C++ Debugger, mainly because I could compare Socio users to many of the die hard gdb CLI users I know.

Not that all gdb users enjoy rape, but, well, I mean, you know... nevermind.