USB Vibrator Ranks #1 on Weird Device List
USB Vibrator Ranks #1 on Weird Device List
In a list of 10 weird USB devices, 3 of them vibrate, and one of those things that vibrates made the #1 spot.
Now, granted, we here at Slashdong actually do own the USB Vibrator. It's great for testing using 5v supplies because it can be assumed that it was made to run on something giving it under the 100mA low power limit as specified by the USB standard (even though we've proven this ain't always true), so you aren't gonna blow up, say, an XBox Controller with it.
However, what worries us is the fact that someone thinks this is weirder than a USB Grill, which came in DEAD LAST. Hooking something that vibrates to your computer is weirder than cooking hamburgers with your computer?
Wonder if we could make the grill vibrate...