qDot Speaking at Unc's Colloquia Series

It's time for me to talk again. I'm rather excited about this, I'm the first presenter in Uncle Abdul's "Advanced Colloquia in BDSM" series! It even sounds academic!

This'll be at Edges, a dungeon located in sunny (somewhere in south bay), California. I'll be doing an in-depth presentation on sex technology and its applications to BDSM, which will be as educational for me as it will be for everyone else. Prepare for the wild, ridiculous overuse of the word "panopticon". Foucault's spinning will be my carbon credit equivilient.

Tickets are $16ish after fees, and it's limited to 30 people. To get in, you'll need to preregister online at:


So if you want to get the up close, personal, not-at-a-web-conference qDot treatment (no, I don't know exactly how this treatment is different either), I'll see you next Thursday.