Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

I originally found out about Sputniko!, the art site of Hiromi Ozaki, via the oft-referenced-here We Make Money Not Art post about her Crowbot Jenny Project. However, after poking around the site a little bit, I found Penis Cybernetique.

It's geometry and genetalia, at the same time. I can't really express the awesomeness in words here.

Penis Cybernetique is a prosthetic penis, build by Sputniko! simply to answer the question, "What's it like to have a penis?"

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

The penis moves up and down based on heart rate, so it's actually like having a real penis, if slighty less accur... Oh, ok, who am I kidding, every guy knows we get hardons constantly due to things much more random than heart rate. So I'm gonna say it's right on the money in terms of reaction design.

Not only, that, it's an open source penis! The code is hosted on sourceforge. Awesome. :D

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

There's even a version 2 happening, that will use a silicon skin to make for a more organic look and feel.

Other things that might be of interest from the Sputniko! site:

The Menstruation Machine, the story of a boy who builds a machine so that he can feel what the bleeding of menstruation is like, but also for women who may want to feel the event again once menstruation has become obsolete.

Child Producing Machine, a song about wanting to be a cyborg rather than having to deal with menstruation.