
DreamStripper 3D: Like DOA Volleyball without the Volleyball or Clothing

DreamStripper 3D: Like DOA Volleyball without the Volleyball or Clothing

From the people that brought you some games I havn't heard of and one of the better MiniQuest games in Might and Magic comes DreamStripper 3d. Now, I was all set to give this my usual "Eh, it's another nakedness simulation" review, until I found out that there's actually a GAME in them there boobs! You can actually take on the role of a struggling college student or single mother and strip for cash, which will buy you more clothes and new moves! This is actually a really cool idea, though I'm not quite sure how it's executed. However, if you could hook a DDR pad up to this, I think we'd have a new exercise revolution on our hands.

New IGDA Sex In Games SIG and Blog

New IGDA Sex In Games SIG and Blog

After the Hot Coffee mod, the game industry has had to do a lot of thinking about how it presents sex in games, lest overbearing puritan legislation be rained down from the sky of their conservative god. Many positive things have happened in response, but one of the best I've found so far is the IGDA Sex In Games SIG (and not just because your's truly is a founding member, but that certainly helps :) ). Lead by Brenda Brathwaite of Cyberlore games (Lead Designer on the recent Playboy game series, and before that, Wizardry and Jagged Alliance to name a few), this SIG is dedicated to discussion and research on the presentation of sex in games, as well as what the future holds, and how to break new barriers without getting sued. There's a mailing list, blog, and message board available to discuss topics with professional game designers, gamers interested in how the business works, and freaks like me who are just happy to have some sort of academic/professional justification for what they do with their spare time.

Virtual Dating on your Cell phone

Virtual Dating on your Cell phone

Wow, the summer makes the news sloooooooooooooow. That plus this ridiculous addiction to Second Life, and this page might've altogether died if I hadn't found some stuff to talk about soon...

Apparently some people aren't happy with just playing tetris on their cell phones. These people apparently also can't get dates, and are predominately male, lesbian, or really wanna do it with their cell phones. In order to fill this hole in the mobile gaming market, there is VGirl, your virtual cellphone girlfriend. From the page:

Send your girlfriend messages, ask what she is doing, even flirt with her. Shower her with gifts, paying with real money. But treat her wrong or forget an anniversary and you'll get the cold shoulder!

Notice there's no real payback on this, i.e. instead of "Give her gifts and she puts out", it's just "give her gifts". She lives in your CELLPHONE, which means if she gets mad, you may start seeing calls to Japan on your phone bill instead of just getting slapped.

Though she does vibrate....

via Portension

Architechture and Vice: Fantasy in the Magic Kingdom of Second Life

Architechture and Vice: Fantasy in the Magic Kingdom of Second Life

Ok, if you can, through writing alone, squick a guy that hooks sex toys to video games on a regular basis and publically publishes this fact, you may either have some serious talent or else serious problems on your hands.

Comparing Second Life to "Disneyland Porn" (no, seriously, I can't make that shit up), this fucked-up, weirdly worded article on sex in Second Life (something which we recently extended upon) contains such choice quotes as:

"Cuddling is, of course, the gateway sex drug, so, I suppose you could say that I was actually having the beginnings of thoughts about getting nasty in Cinderella's Castle."


"SL goes down as the greatest public freak fest on the Internet. Where else can you find a world of people that dress up like humanoid animals and then hook up? These people give the phrase, "humping like bunnies" a peculiar kind of literal currency."

So, I mean, I suppose you get pretty numb to all of this when you've been on the internet long enough to realize anything can be a fetish. It's interesting to see someone who's never, er... experienced the furry community react to freaky deeky virtual sex, link it to Disneyland, and then call themselves a homophobe. Internal conflict much?

Via MeFi

FreeSex: Sex and Second Life, Version 1.0

FreeSex: Sex and Second Life, Version 1.0

Second life is like Legos for adults. Adults who like to have sex. Who like to have sex a LOT. Therefore, it's only fitting that Slashdong joins in on the game, and makes First Life more fun through Second Life. With our client, you can now connect any DirectInput Force Feedback controller to your computer, and control the force feedback functions from the game. As every good slashdong reader knows, once you have force feedback, you have SEX!

In other words, we just turned Second Life into a Teledildonics service, with cheap, reusable hardware, and a $10 entry fee. See, told you we'd be shaking things up.