
PhonePurr: SMSDildonics? TextDildonics?

PhonePurr: SMSDildonics? TextDildonics?

Neither SMSDildonics or TextDildonics rolls off the tongue quite like Teledildonics, but the idea is still quite interesting nonetheless. Through the FREE PhonePurr software, you can down vibrate your friends silly by sending them a text message. With local/remote control and remote control, you'll never feel alone again! And it's FREE!

via Gizmodo, to whom we also give props for the Commander Keen Reference. Kite! Romero! Carmack! Put aside your differences and make us another KEEN damnit!

Amazon Sells Sex Toys: A Sex Toy Modder's DREAM

Amazon Sells Sex Toys: A Sex Toy Modder's DREAM



Who CARES if you fuck it up, the motor inside the thing is worth more than 79 cents! Buy a bunch! Mod your brains out!


Bacon and Sex Toys, together at last!

FreeSex Network: Sex and Second Life, OS X Style

FreeSex Network: Sex and Second Life, OS X Style

Mac users, welcome to the world of Teledildonics! (Ok, sure, you've had them before, but not in a while! :)

Kurt from our forums has posted a tutorial outlining how you can use a TranceVibrator and OS X in order to have sex through Second Life. This uses the same base LSL code that the Windows Sex and SL project did, so all you'll need to do is get the drivers, download the applescript code, and you're ready to go!

Update: Boards are dead, post was not ported off. Sorry.

VGSex Reading Material

So things are going well. You've got a blog that lots of people read, you think you've got a corner on the market of video game sex news, then some upstarts with "decades of experience in the game industry" and "credentials on many ground breaking video games" comes in and just screws it all up for you. Combine that with an addiction to an MMO that just won't stop, trying to bring up 3 new pages on your network, learn Ruby on Rails, and the post rate slows to a crawl....

Ok, so maybe we're being a little sarcastic. The IGDA Sex in Games blog and mailing list have really taken off (We're link to the day today! Wheee!), giving us all sorts links to relay like it's original content! Wh00t! Here's a whole bunch of stuff to read while we go play more Second Life.

TerraNova - Because VG blogging is totally academic when you have PhD in front of your name. :)

Heorine Sheik - A great blog on gender issues and sex in video games.

Thumb Bandits - VG blog currently doing a series on women in games called "The Vagina Gamerlouges". Good stuff, except for the fact that the mascots really, really creep me out (I have this thing about fingernails...)

The Corporation loves Slashdong! At least, for some values of "Loves", mostly the subsets involving "disgust".

And, in all seriousness, we do have some new, groundbreaking content on the way, it's just taking some time to generate, and there doesn't seem to be ANY good tech sex toy news lately. Someone make a teledildonics service I can bitch out or something!

Up and Coming Adult Video Game Studios

Up and Coming Adult Video Game Studios: Black Love Interactive and Nest Egg Studios

One of the great things about being involved in the IGDA SiG SIG is getting the scoop on new studios that are coming out with adult themed games.

From Black Love Studios comes Rapture Online, a multifaceted adult sex game. You'll be able to live out fantasies with both solo and multi-(real or otherwise)person situations, create new settings, and interact in a multitude of sex-positive games.

Nest Egg Studios (Warning:: Flash only, loud music) is working on Heavenly Bodies, a multi-genre spanning MMO game for adults. Unfortunatly, I don't have much more info than that, but it looks interesting. :)