
On Using Video Games as Avatar Systems for Cybersex

On Using Video Games as Avatar Systems for Cybersex

Modern games provide massive environments with simple online access methods. Why stop at just playing the game though? With enough imagination and inguinuity, online game environments can become play worlds for new, interesting, and downright fucked up sexual fetishes. You paid for the game, now use it how you like!

In this article, we give some ideas on why games might be the place to have cybersex, what to look for in a game, and how to enhance the experience for all involved. It's not as straight-forward as video conferencing, but you can't crash cars or shoot each other in the head on netmeeting, either.

Computer Scientists working on 3D Model Projection

Computer Scientists working on 3D Model Projection

Current teledildonics technology simply seeks to replicate a specific part of a person. Up until recently, these parts were only made to vibrate, a feat which very few people can pull off in real life. We're now to the point of having toys that thrust, and dolls that gyrate, but why don't we just skip all that and create real, physical models of ourselves to project across the internet?

That's just what two Computer Scientists from Carnegie Mellon are doing. Cameras will capture the state of a room, which can then be recreated using specialized self-organizing "molecules" to create an exact kinetic model in a remote location. Obviously, having this in homes is still a couple of months (or more likely decades) away, but it's still a neat endeavor.

via Unpopular Nonfiction

Geek Calendars Continued: SRL Calendar

Geek Calendars Continued: SRL Nude Calendar

So remember a couple of posts back when I was ranting about the lack of geek calendars that I liked?

Well, Survival Research Labs put out a nude calendar for the 2003-2004 year as a tribute to Tim North (link to version of his site, so might be a little slow), an amazing sound artist who sadly passed away in 2003. It's really cool to see what a group of people will do for a friend they cared about.

I'm not sure if SRL is still selling the calendars, but if they are, you can buy one and be ready when the same day layout happens in 2014.

Substation: Ergonomics applied to Oral Sex

The Substation: Ergonomics applied to Oral Sex

Ergonomics is a hot topics these days, as I'm sure most everyone knows (as they type our URL in on their split keyboard adjusted to perfect wrist height while sitting in their Aerons). Just like computer usage, sex can require people to be in odd positions for long periods of time, causing undue pain (unless you're into stress positions, in which case, you might as well skip this post). Some governments have even begun setting up ergonomics guidelines for their sex workers.

The Substation creates an ergonomic environment designed by women, for women, with female oral sex in mind. Instead of having to bend in weird positions and worry about stress on the knees (damn rug burn), this chair provides an ideal situation for the giver and receiver. It comes with height-adjustable leg supports and the option of bondage d-rings. It doubles as a nice, fairly inconspicuous piece of bedroom furniture, too!

Rectaltronics: MILSpec Butt Plugs

Rectaltronics: MILSpec Butt Plugs

Filled with enough puns to make even the most seasoned Xanth reader woozy, Rectaltronics offers all the parts you could possibly need to set up a butt plug so devastasting it could start the next World War. From the "Pooper Power" power supplies to the "Dr. Mengele" oscillators and VAX compatible "DynaVibe" control software working over the RS-232 based ButtStream(tm) bi-directional data standard, this has to be the most specialized butt plug site I've ever seen. Mass usage has even caused some sysadmins to have to reconfigure their firewalls.

via The Evil Website