UPDATE For Visitors From March 2006 Wired Article: Since Wired had
their heads supremely up their asses on their sex game article (2
unpublished games, 1 alpha game, 1 released game, and NO URLS.
WTF?), here's a rundown of what's up. I haven't heard anything about
3Feel from CMNet since E3 of last year, which I'm guessing means
they've yet to find a publisher. So, if you're coming here to find
out where you can pick up the game, I'm sorry, but I have no clue.
Assuming you can read Korean, you can find more info on the game at
3Feel.com. If you want more up to date info on Sex in Video
Games, check out the IGDA's Sex in Games Blog
It looks like there's been more work happening on 3Feel. However,
instead of talking about it myself, I'll let the press release do the
talking for me.
Usually I wouldn't post a straight press release about a game, but the
fact that they made a point to feature same sex relations in the game
makes me feel like it's worth it to give it a little extra press.
3FEEL Community Sex Game has approached to sexual desires of adults in
various angles making it real to its maximum in the game. This is a
new conceptual community game that enables users to transfer their
interpersonal feelings.
3FEEL stands for a sense of Sight, Hearing and Touch carrying a
meaning that it transfers these 3 feelings to users. This is a game
that can be enjoyed by adult users at their maximum satisfactions.
3FEEL is realized so as to make both users hear his or her partner's
voice in real time viewing each other's figure adopting digital video
camera and voice module for the first time in the game industry.
Having embraced contents of existing adult sites and applied online
games to in a balanced manner, 3FEEL enables users to get their sexual
satisfaction to its maximum while enjoying game. It has a system in
which users can receive a feeling realistically by linking vibrator to
USB port.
Since all movements in the game are to be established by MOTION
CAPTURE, users can enjoy natural graphics which are never to be
interrupted nor having any absurdity. In 3FEEL, there are not many
users involved in a game so that it is able to put emphasis on details
and delicacies of character. These thus result a great advantage in
3FEEL game bringing more accurate and higher quality of graphics than
other online games. Moreover, it exhibits individual tastes or
characteristics, etc. about sex of each user, so then users can
indulge into game feeling togetherness realistically with character on
the opposite side.
Same Sex Gaming
We are ready to upgrade 3feel for same sex lovers.
May 2005 during the E3 convention in L.A something drew everybody's
attention. The 3feel game booth, which was located in the South Korean
hall, was the center of the heat. Combining sex and a game, 3feel is
the world's first adult game to communicate in both directions making
a step forward to cyber sex showed in the movie 'Demolition Man' by
Sandra Bullock and Sylvester Stallone. (Slashdong Ed. Note: HOT
Playing 3feel, players have the game partner visual to win their
attention during the game with sound dubbings and send them actual
feeling through heptic technology.
Beside tasting and smelling the game is using all the senses of a
human body like looking, listening and feeling.
The CEO. Shin Do Chul, says, "A game like 3feel is limited due to
strict regulations in the Korean market, but we are looking for
business partners in the world, and will soon provide service for the
adult online game users." In addition, he mentioned that he was able
to slough off stereotyped ideas, which he had while developing adult
online games, through the E3 convention.
Cmnet is now ready to take the game to an upgraded version. Until now,
the game was designed to be played by different sex types, but now
Cmnet is working on an additional system for same sex lovers. Let's
watch the development of how sexual freedom will be expressed in the
cyber world.
Cmnet has thoroughly completed the basic systems of the game and is
contacting game publishers for the international market
If you're interested in movies of the game, you can check them out at
the OnGate E3. There's also some (non-adult, blah) in-game
pictures linked below.
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