
ESRB to investigate GTA Sex Minigame

ESRB to investigate GTA Sex Minigame

Going through a city with automatic weapons in both hands mowing down as many innocent bistanders as possible? Awesome! Running around in a gimp suit beating people to death with a huge double-ended purple dildo? Great! Having sex with your girlfriend? OH MY GOD NO. SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

The GTA Sex Game that we covered earlier has now made it all the way to the level where government officials can make rush judgements about it and the media can run wild with it. The ESRB is now "looking into" the fact that the minigame weren't even accessable without hand modding the code to the fucking game. If they have to check every game for things like this, they better be ready to hire some assembly gurus or else require release to all the source to every game written.

But at least we can still shoot at each other with no problems.

Via Kotaku/Fleshbot/Slashdot

Real Dolls Going Robotic?

Real Dolls Going Robotic?

From the rumor mill come an item about everyone's favorite $5000 sex dolls. Here's a message that was found on the Doll Forum archives in May...

Please help us all welcome our very own in house

Robotics Engineer!

While I said before this will not have a direct effect

for at least a year, we will be immediately putting

him in a locked room with no windows and not letting

him out till he has something electronic to put in the

REALdolls ok...

Film at 11....

Ok no film but believe me I will be getting back to

you about this in a few months.....

Yours Truly,


Abyss Creations LLC

So we could be seeing mechanized Real Dolls within a year. I, for one, welcome our new Sex Doll Overlords.

BTW, if anyone else needs a robotics engineer to work on their sex dolls and has full benefits and good pay... :)

The Better Built Bondage Book

The Better Built Bondage Book

AND WE'RE BACK! Moving is done, and I'm never, ever doing that again. At least, not until our lease is up here. Stupid leases.

Anyways, we've got a ton of stuff to cover, so expect a ton of posts in the next few days. First up is the Better Build Bondage Book. This is a guidebook on how to build all sorts of bondage equipment, from cuffs to vacuum beds to R/C vibrators! The book runs around $40US, but looks to be very high quality, with explanations of the theory behind building the equipment as well as full instructions for everything. Just imagine walking through Home Depot with this as your shopping list.

Robotic Arm to Perform Long-Distance Breast Exams

Robotic Arm to Perform Long-Distance Breast Exams

Keeping with the "I don't have time to actually research tech sex stories since I'm moving so I'm taking what I can get" theme (though this should certainly appeal to all you medical fetishists out there)...

Because cold metal tables arn't creepy and uncomfortable enough, there is now a robotic arm capable of testing for breast exams. Sensors in the arm allow doctors to perform long distance mammograms using telecommunications. Other than being an amazing device to fight breast cancer and save lives, it's also interesting way of connecting people in a rather... personal situation.

via We Make Money Not Art and Shiny Shiny

Brain scan finds the penis (At last!)

Brain scan finds the penis (At last!)

Scientists have now definitively located the area related to penile sensing on the "homunculus" (translation: "little man". I love science sometimes), or map of body parts on the brain. By tickling subjects with a soft brush (certainly worse medical experiments to be had) while recording brain activity through an MRI, researchers isolated the exact position of where 99% of male thought takes place.

Screw teledildonics. Slashdong is going wetware!