Yup. It's been 10 years since
that fateful post
that kicked off my career as the world's foremost expert on a type of
sex toy very few people use.
The SexBox is sitting here on my desk, with a new round of epoxy curing so
that the jacks don't fall out on their way to an art show in Austria.

What a long, strange trip it's been.
When I started the site, I... Ok fuck it I honestly can't remember why
I started this site anymore. I bought the domain in late 2003, didn't
do much with it through 2004, started things up in early 2005. The
SexBox got onto BoingBoing, and I've been doing it ever since, albeit
sometimes with also a year between posts. I've come up with a million
different reasons for keeping the site going between then and now, all
of them valid, and all of them temporary.
I've been unhappy with the name 'Slashdong' for a while. In 2004,
people still read slashdot, and this was all about open source
teledildonics or something, so it was funny. Now I'm just sick of
saying the name and explaining what slashdot was. Sick of having
people wonder if I run a website about cutting dicks off and why that
would make me internet famous (people that obviously don't know the
internet very well).
In celebration of 10 years of internet buttplugs, I'm destroying the
brand I've worked so hard to build. I've been mulling over new names,
but the one that stuck with me was actually a domain I've owned for
The plan was to turn the name Metafetish into my own custom sex
toy/object/whatever building company. That was before I realized that
I hate dealing with people and I hate dealing with customers and most
customers are people so fuck that.
Why metafetish? Well, it feels like it reflects the aim of the site
these days.
- I don't really use the toys I get or do sex toy reviews, and
honestly, with people like OhJoySexToy
around, I don't feel I need to.
- I don't really build much in the way of toys anymore, and companies
like Orgasmatronics and
Comingle are taking ideas that were talked
about here and running with them farther than I could ever hope or
care to go.
- I can't be at the forefront of news like I used to, as almost every
gadget blog will pick up and reblog tech sex toy releases faster
than I'll be able to.
So, this is now just me nerding out over weird aspects of sex toy
design that I find interesting, with no real regard to being the end
user. People still seem interested in that perspective, so hey.
Of course, the word fetish is probably going to be taken in a BDSMy
context or whatever. Kinda planned on that. Ah well. I'll deal. I have
some thoughts of technological sex toys being/requiring their own
fetish, but that's a post best saved for when I'm drunk.
I should point out that none of the above list items are complaints.
It's been really fun/educational/exhausting watching where things have
gone since 2005. I'm looking forward to another decade of being
horribly pessimistic about humanity's attempt to get itself off with
machines. I've learned more about people from this project than
probably anything else I've done in my life, which is probably why I'm
so alone now.
Here's to another 10 years of whatever the hell this is, even if most
of that is spent rebuilding my search engine ranking after today.
There's no plans to change the site focus or content, and I won't be
replacing the slashdong name in old posts or anything. Just means I
now have a site name I won't hate saying, and as an added benefit, I
have something new to correct people on. I've been practicing my
"Actually" all week in preparation.
Most importantly, this new domain name means I'm finally done sharing
part of my site name with another old website no one