
Slides from ETech, and a resolution

Yup, I'm back. Sorta. Just kinda lost that blogging feeling for a few months. May lose it again after I blow the content I've built up from not posting for 3 months (not that any of you have scooped me on much that I'll be posting either, ya lazy bastards).

Anyways, first off, for those of you that missed it at ETech, my presentation slides are now available at:


It's basically the same deck I've used throughout the past few conferences, and it's also the /last/ time I'll use it. That's right, no new conferences until new content. I figure everyone either knows the basics of this by now, or can tune into Vimeo page with my Arse Elektronika Version of the presentation. Here. I'll even embed it for you, again.

So yeah. No conferences in the pipeline now. And I'm happy for that. Time to make new stuff.

Uncle Abdul's New Blog, and Doll Survey

There's a few people whose work I cite pretty often on this site and in presentations, and Uncle Abdul is one of them. Author of Juice, the book on electrostim play (and one of my first post topics on Slashdong!), He's been working in the engineering and science of sex and BDSM since well before the existence of this site, or, hell, my existence, period. Now he's got a new blog, BDSM Scientist, which is already full of interesting posts on estim and engineering. I'm really glad to see other people creating more blogs in this space (I've got a few more to feature later this week too), especially with my flakiness as of late.

Right now, he's got a survey going about what people are looking for in the ultimate sex doll. So hop in the comments and add your wish list!

I'm trying to put mine together as we speak, but unfortunately I can't seem to get farther than "extensible". I've forgotten what actual end features look like. Possibly a sign of too much engineering and too little usage.

Upcoming Conference List

Yup, it's spring again, and it snuck up on me this time.

First off, it's year 3 of GDC for me. Not speaking during the conference, though you can at least catch me at Brenda Braithwaite's Sex in Games Roundtables on Wednesday and Thursday, plus the various parties (Here's crossing my fingers for another World of Darkness party like last year. More game conferences need dominatrixes).

Wednesday, March 5th, it's off to O'Reillys Emerging Technologies Conference, where I'm giving a talk on the usual. Due to the fact that I'm poor and SD is expensive, I'm only in for the day of my talk, so look for me on Wednesday if you're around.

And then... Nothing. Yes, I have absolutely no planned speaking engagements after that, and I plan on keeping it that way for a while.

Mindwire: Metal Gear shocked me in the nuts!

Mindwire: Metal Gear shocked me in the nuts!

DISCLAIMER: Don't fucking buy this. It is unsafe, there are no claims of isolation from the controller side, and you sure as shit don't wanna "connect it anywhere on your body". That being said, enjoy my blog post about it and please link to me as much as possible 'cause my hit count is in the shitter lately.

Leave it to someone outside the US to produce something so incredibly lawsuit worthy a million lawyers just totally ripped ninja boners.

The MindWire v5. Looks innocuous enough while sitting in its box, right?

Just wait 'til you put it on.

Yup. It's electrodes that go on your body to make your muscles spasm any time game controllers rumble. This is not a new idea by any means; the original SexBox project was based off the XShox homebrew project which is basically the same idea, except even more ghetto. However, the key word there was "homebrew". This is being manufactured, and is such a fucking bad idea.

The thing is, they don't even say as such on the front page. In fact, they even say:

Connect up to 5 small self adhesive pads to your arms, legs and stomach and feel the sensory feedback that mimics the game action.

Yes! Cross all sorts of paths right over your vital organs, all of which run off electrical pulses to keep your dumb ass alive!

Unfortunately, the idiot part of me really wants to get this and a 3rd Space Vest and make a bitchin' BDSM video game setup.

The MindWire v5, available now, only from their website (big surprise), for UKP129.99 + postage & packing. It's your funeral.

Rez HD and the return of Trance Vibration

Ah, trance vibrator, your legacy shall never die.

So, for those of you not familiar with the trance vibrator, check out the video games portion of my AE talk or the Rez Trancevibrator page on Opendildonics.

Rez HD is on its way to XBox Live Arcade, and it has now been announced that if you have any extra controllers hooked up to your XBox 360, they will pulsate with the rhythm of the game. That's right, up to 3 extra vibrating controllers to keep in your... "shirt pocket". Now, you're probably thinking, "Hey, wait, a controller can't be comfortable!". But just look at what people managed to do with the old Playstation controllers, which were much less... ergonomic?

Unfortunately, it will most likely not work with the old PS2 Trancevibe and the Drmn Trance Vibe. However, if you /are/ looking for drivers and programs for that, keep an eye on my libtrancevibe project on SourceForge, which is about to see v1.0 release as soon as I can get around to packaging up the installers.

Rez HD Info/Picture via Kotaku