
MMOrgy: Pride Parties in WoW

Originally written by qDot for

First off, guten Tag to everyone coming in from the Der Spiegel article on WoW!

Now then, Wonderland reported earlier this week that there should be some gay pride parades in WoW in order to retaliate against the guild issues that have been sweeping message boards and blog threads around the net. Well, just like everything else on the internet, if someone says it, someone else probably either has, or will, do it.

Both The Spreading Taint and Stonewall Champions' guilds have been having pride parties over on the Proudmore server for quite a while now, apparently. I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot more of these soon, too.

via Wonderland

MMOrgy: WoW Ungaying Part ??: Electric [Censored]

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Because a day without a WoW GLBT update is like a day without sunshine full of HATE...

First off, since I haven't actually posted this yet, and I can't believe I haven't, here's the webpage for the gulid that's been in question. They've got a ridiculous amount of news and comic links about the thing, just in case you need a break from all of the boring, text only news the rest of us have been posting about it.

Anyways, according to the page, Blizzard has apologized to the guild, sending them a nice letter saying they have retracted the warning and suspension. I could've sworn I saw the letter body somewhere on the net, but I certainly can't seem to find it again. The apology did not mention a change to the policy wording, however, so we're not out of the issue quite yet.

PlayNoEvil has weighed in the topic by discussing how games are defined, presenting the idea of a "Reality Test" to tell whether or not we should compare in world actions to real world equivilents.

On the sillier side of things, Kotaku decided to do an analysis of the WoW Item Inventory to see what kind of naughty names they could come up with. There's "A Bulging Coin Purse", "Advisor’s Gnarled Staff" (Ew), "Kezan’s Unstoppable Taint" (EW), and many, many more. How these guys can pull 20+ posts a day and have time for this, I'll never know. Please, share your meth with the rest of us.

MMOrgy: PlayNoEvil: Sex and Security

Originally written by qDot for

Ok, I've been meaning to post about PlayNoEvil for a long, long time now, but now they've just provided me with a nice list of links that I can just shove into one post and be done with it.

Seriously though, PlayNoEvil has become one of my favorite online gaming blogs lately. No one really deals with the issues of security and privacy, and PlayNoEvil's got experience behind it. Always turns out to be an interesting read.

I'll shut up and let the blog speak for itself.

Review of Virtual World Prostitution Issues

Laws and their applicability to Virtual Worlds

The Consenuality of Cybersex

MMOrgy: Second Life Escort Ratings

Originally written by qDot for

Second Life Escort Ratings is the new Consumer Reports of SL Sex. If you're gonna pay for your good time, you might as well know what you're getting, so it is now one man's brave quest to try and "review the quality" of every (female) worker in SL, one girl at a time.

For taking on this noble, and most likely very, very thankless, sad task, all we've got to say is good luck. But, really, we don't trust your ratings until we give you a try.

Also: please, post some full logs. How do we know you're doing any better than the girls, eh? -.^

via Clickable Culture, and for some odd reason, BoingBoing and about a million other blogs, too.

MMOrgy: Suicide Girls in Second Life

Originally written by qDot for

Suicide Girls, one of the net's largest goth/punk/alt pinup site, is invading our little virtual suburb known as Second Life.

What they're doing there? Not wearing many clothes, and working on optimizing the shader system for the new graphics engine.

HAH! Just kidding.

They're just helping with the shader system.

via Boing Boing