
MMOrgy: Valentines Day in City of Heroes/Villains

Originally written by qDot for

Following on the heels of World of Warcraft's event, City of Heroes/Villains now has their very own Valentine's Day quest. Love in the the digital air, it seems. Even though it's really just a holiday event like any other, it's interesting to see all these MMOs gearing up for love.

MMOrgy: WoW Ungaying: Lunchtime Edition

Originally written by qDot for

Time for your mid-day dose of Blizzardy goodness:

As we reported earlier but I couldn't find the URL for, InNewsWeekly reports that Blizzard Customer Service has apologized to the guild in question over the GLBT issue. All warnings and threats of punishment have been retracted. Note, however, that policy wording is still under consideration, so we're not out of the woods yet. Blizzard has shown that they will certainly stand against (what seems to be popular, but I'm kinda immersed in the side that I agree with) opinion for at least a bit, so who knows what could happen. I'm sure pretty much everyone involved in this will keep their eyes firmly on Blizzard for any upcoming changes.

TerraNova and some major names in MMO Academia decided to take a stand and send an open letter to Blizzard yesterday. Good stuff.

Finally, InNewsWeekly is now collecting a list of gay guilds and gathering places in MMOs. So, if you've got any places you'd like to see on their list, send them some email. I'll certainly be filling up their Second Life list, so gay clubs of the world, please don't close (This means you, Haz Pazaar)

MMOrgy: World of Warcraft as Birth Control

Originally written by qDot for

A commercial for a new emergent use of the World of Warcraft MMO.

Birth Control!

Of course, we've shown multiple times on this page that WoW can be just as much a catalyst for sex as it is a libido killer...

via Ludology

MMOrgy: Valentines and Bad Timing Come to WoW

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Blizzard and timing aren't to be working well together these days. Right off the end of the gay guilds scandal (which qDot has covered into the ground), today's patch notes include an annoucement of an upcoming Valentine's Day Quest.

A strange 'love sickness' will be infecting guards and townsfolk
all across Azeroth. Players should speak to the concerned citizens
around the major cities if they would like to help solve this
dilemma. As part of the event, all the major cities will receive
festive decorations such as ribbons, flowers, and heart streamers,
and players may even see a few NPCs sharing thoughts of love.

I can already feel the eyes of a thousand gaming bloggers staring unblinkingly into every detail of the quest, scouring to see if Blizzard has made any concessions to their policies. Seeing that the company's point of view so far seems to be "love is what we make it, not you make it", flaunting that philosophy with a specialized holiday mission doesn't seem like the best idea.

via 1up

MMOrgy: Halflings and Ogres and Elves, Oh My!

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Even though we tend to concentrate on the more virtually physical side of things here at MMOrgy, we know there's a lot more to online relationships than lust (though they certainly do make that part easier). American Sexuality Magazine has an article outlining the different types of romantic relationships that can happen in online games (specific to Everquest in this case). There's a lot of cute experience stories in the article, I especially love the final quote for meeting a significant other online, “it certainly is something to tell the kids. It definitely beats ‘I met him in a bar!”.

But, it's not exactly like you met him bungie jumping either...