
MMOrgy: DOA Upskirts

Originally written by qDot for

I went to the doctor and he said "Take two buzzwords and call me in the morning".

Welcome to EMERGENT MACHINIMA PORN! Woohoo! We're like, 3 posts into the category and already starting new terms!

Upskirts. God love 'um, they're skirts that are, well, up. That pretty much sums it up I suppose.

In this case, the upskirt images have been pulled from the fighting game Dead or Alive 4 for the XBox 360, and uploaded to a Japanese website.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Wait, someone in Japan bought an XBox 360?"

Yeah, I'm as stunned as you are.

via Fleshbot

I'm in Wired. Again.

I'm in Wired. Again.

Remember when this was something I was kinda enthused about?

Yeah, me too.

Man, I'm getting jaded.

Anyways, yeah, ol' qDot is in Wired. Again.

This time, they got my name wrong. I am qDot. I am not qDot Slashdong.

The only last name I have with qDot is Bunnyhug.

I do hug bunnies.

I do not slash dongs.

Oh yeah, so, the article. Sex hardware in video games. All stuff you've seen on our front page before, but go read it because you need to hear more quotes from me about this stuff.

Actually, this is the second time this week something I work on has been in Wired. MMOrgy made it into a machinima article. So that's kinda cool. Now I'm doubleWireding. Whole new level of Wiredism.

MMOrgy: MMORPGDot Review of Sociolotron

Originally written by qdot for

Though having one of the most cohesive player bases and in depth rule sets of any MMO out today, Sociolotron doesn't see a lot of respect from reviews. MMORPGDot sets this straight with a detailed review of Socio, balancing the technical issues with the gameplay in a way most other reviews haven't really even tried. It's nice to see a indie produced game like this get some decent press.

MMOrgy: The Guardian on MMO Pregnancy

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

The Guardian has picked up our coverage on MMO pregnancy. As usual, Alecks does an absolutely wonderful job of summing up the situation, and the discussion of the topic in the comments is enlightening.

[qDot Update: From the comments... 'On a lighter note is anyone else disturbed that that avatar appears to be giving birth to a cabbage patch doll seemingly aided by Hulk Hogan?' - Seriously, Guardian Comment Threads makes this page worth running sometimes.]

MMOrgy: WoW Cybering

Originally written by qDot for

Sometimes, no matter how sexy we try to make this stuff, it just doesn't come out right.

Hoo. Yeah... I... yeah. They could use a look at the Adult Text Roleplay guide. Or... something...

via Wonderland