Originally written by qDot for mmorgy.com
Hoo boy.
For those of you too lazy to click out of your newsreaders, here's the
Someone decided to put "GLBT Friendly" (Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgendered)
as part of their guild name in World of Warcraft. One day, they sign
on to find themselves flagged with a policy violation. After firing
off an email to Blizzard, they find out that having terms indicating
the sexual orientation of the guild is against policy. Quoting from
the article:
The response from Blizzard was, "While we appreciate and understand
your point of view, we do feel that the advertisement of a 'GLBT
friendly' guild is very likely to result in harassment for players
that may not have existed otherwise. If you will look at our policy,
you will notice the suggested penalty for violating the Sexual
Orientation Harassment Policy is to 'be temporarily suspended from the
game.' However, as there was clearly no malicious intent on your part,
this penalty was reduced to a warning."
So, long story short: If you have a guild called "God hates fags",
then you're violating this policy. If you have a guild named "GLBT
friendly", you're violating the same policy.
If you have a guild named "My name is Gay. No, really, like Gay, as in
the First Name, is Gay"... Hey, someone with a WoW account wanna try
this? Hell, they let The Spreading Taint through.
Since I'm the only one around (updating a sex blog on a Friday
night... But my mom thinks I'm cool!), I guess I'll throw in the first
MMOrgy opinion:
Man, Blizzard.
WTF, dude. Seriously.
Shit like this is what turns virtual worlds into day care centers, and
you're seeing why. Yes, gamers, for the most part, are an insensitive
bunch of asses. I know, I'm one of them. But you try to clamp down on
everyone, and ain't no one gonna be havin' a good time.
'course, you've got 5.5 million players now, you can probably pull
crap like this and laugh at the 1% drop in your servers as people
continue to level grind mindlessly so they can ebay their lvl 60
character. But watch as the interesting people leave due to crazy ass
rules, the fun people leave due to creative stiffling, even in guild
names, and see how nifty your world is then.
You'll still have players, hell, you'll always have players, but how
fucking fulfilling is a world without interesting, diverse players who
let others KNOW they are, and are willing to stick up for it, eh?
Other people's opinions (I'm gonna keep updating this as these come
Fellow Sexy Geek Jason Schultz
Cory Doctorow of BoingBoing
Terra Nova Thread