
MMOrgy: P0rncraft: WoW Erotica and Roleplay Forums

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

P0rncraft: WoW Erotica and Roleplay Forums

With 3+ million users, it comes as no surprise that there's already a very large, very thriving World of Warcraft Erotica/Machinima/RolePlay community. With 7000+ users and a tons of active threads, p0rncraft seems to be the place to be if you get sick of grinding and want to... grind. (That joke is never going to get old, really)

Nude Night Eve, courtesy LasarusX, soon to be at WoWSkins

Current Yahoo Site Current Geocities Site

Thanks to Sumatrae for finding the link, and making the rest of us feel like we're missing the obvious.

Sexual Interactions 2006 Workshop at SIGCHI

The Sexual Interactions Workshop is being held during SIGCHI 2006 (Montreal, Canada), and are currently having their Call for Participation. The workshop will cover Sex and Human/Computer Interaction, with some of the following goals:

  • To understand how sex and themes related to it can inform current HCI practice and discourse.
  • To explore the challenges in conducting human-computer sexual interactions research.
  • To brainstorm novel technologies, interactions, and research methods inspired by human sexuality.
  • To create a community for future discussion and exploration of the topic.

Academic legitimacy, here I come...

50 Cent Vibrators: The Rapper, Not the Amazon Products

50 Cent Vibrators: The Rapper, Not the Amazon Products

It appears that we're about to take on even more competition in the sex toy market. Rapper 50 cent has been reported as saying “I need to make a 50 Cent condom, and a motorised version of me. A motorised version of me will definitely have to be waterproof, so you could utilise it in the tub. A lot of them (vibrators) aren't waterproof."

Now, I find it interesting that he delves into the issues most of us sex toy engineers have when building our products. Not a lot of people have the foresight to think that "I don't know if big is better because I'm not sure a man wants his woman playing with a really big dildo."

So batten hatches, boys, 'cause there's about to be a dildo driveby. Maybe, like the IGDA recommends, we could release a 50 Cent SexBox with the 50 Cent Vibrator for while you play the 50 Cent game. I'm sure just even mentioning this new, awesome level of consumer branding just gave an ad rep an explosive hardon somewhere.

Via IGDA Sex In Games SIG

Malebots: The Reprogrammed DVD

Malebots: The Reprogrammed DVD

Though we're not trying to get into the habit of becoming porn advertisers (wait, who the hell are we kidding, if someone gives us many, we'll tattoo their names on our... site), when the porn has to do with robots, we really feel that it should be a special place on our page. MaleBots, the premier site for muscular men who go "beep", has just released their first DVD, chock full of metal plated buttocks goodness. Tons of animations and movies are included on the disc, so you better be ready for some hard core sensor fusion as these mighty bots have their heuristics set for low weighed paths pointing to ASS with sufficiently high tolerance!

(This is why they don't let robotics engineers write ad copy.)

Slightest Touch

Slightest Touch

In the rest of the medical industry, it's call a TENS unit, and it's used for pain relief. But, slap a purple cover on that shit, flower it up a little bit, and you've got a female orgasm machine!

The Slightest Touch is, from what I can tell, a lower power TENS unit. Hook a pad an each ankle, and you've basically completed a circuit with your crotch in the middle. All the nerves between go tinglytinglytingly, including the sometimes hard to reach orgasmy ones.

We'll be doing more with electrostim at some point, assuming I can ever figure out how to safely to tell a bunch of random people on the internet to shock the shit out of themselves.