
SexBox v3, or "The One Someone Else Made"

SexBox v3, or "The One Someone Else Made" - PDF File, 668k

Slashdong has some pretty awesome users. Oh, who are we kidding, if you read this, you are a fuckin' genius. Who needs MENSA when you can assemble your own sex toys?

Every once in a while, we even get project plans from our readers, which we sit on for 4 months, lose in one of our email boxes, then finally find again, dust off, and feel like total assholes for. It's with this fanfare we present the SexBox v3, better known as "The One Someone Else Made".

This was submitted to us back in June by board user Martinus. Basically, it's the SeXBox v2, except instead of running the motor control wires through jacks in the back of the controller, he uses a save cart slot and modified cart in order to have wires run out the back, meaning you've got a modular system with no cords in the way of your grip!

Disclaimer: Just because we think you're all geniuses doesn't mean we trust you one bit. Slashdong, Nonpolynomial Labs, and its affiliates take no responsibility for you following these instructions. The opinions expressed within the linked PDF are those of the author, and do not reflect the general stance of Slashdong (other than the fact that we all like to hook sex toys up to stuff). Proceed with caution, be safe, don't die.

MMOrgy: State of Sex: Furcadia

Originally written by Aderes for

Furcadia is the magical world where the animals have learned to walk upon two legs and speak. Create your own customizable avatar and start exploring the friendly, graphical environment with rich, player-driven content. Our established online community grew over years and has become a second home to many. Furcadia invites you to an interactive experience unlike any other.” – Furcadia Homepage

Furcadia is a free Massive Multiplayer Online Social Game (MMOSG) with graphics. If you don’t quite get what a MMOSG is; it’s basically a MUCK. Furcadia is based in a fantasy theme, so it appeals to all audiences. Thankfully though, it has a special area, called Furrabian Nights (FurN), for rated R (anything about that belongs in special areas called “dreams”) content.

In this article, I'll give a full rundown of the who, what, and how of sex in Furcadia.


Since Furcadia is a MMOSG, everything about it is user-created, except for walking, sitting, and lying down. There is also the possibility that the dream’s character design allows for some sex positions (see below).

Since very few dreams have this; sex in Furcadia is based off role play. This is the biggest advantage and disadvantage. You rarely ever have any visuals to help you, but sometimes the mental image can be better. That also means the quality of online sex can vary depending on who you have sex (or cyber/yiff) with. The great thing is the possibilities are endless.


Anyone who is willing to role play with you. It can be range from you, to an orgy that fills the room (which can become very confusing since all the role playing is done in a private server. You can whisper, private message, people, but that appears on the main chat client. I’d advise downloading the dog proxy; which adds a client of its own for whispers. Don’t worry, it’s made by the lead programmer of Furcadia, so it’s safe to use.).


Sex in Furcadia can be done in very many areas, but few when compared to the total of Furcadia. Since Furcadia aims to appeal to all ages, there are going to be area that don’t allow adult content. The only area for anything up to R rated is FurN. You have to go into user-created dreams in order to engage in anything above R. There are many different dreams in FurN that appeal to many sexualities. Technically, you can have online sex in any of those dreams, but most specialize in a certain type. This can make the search for a partner easier since most of the people in the dream appeal to the taste of the main thing. I’ll mention a few I’ve seen: Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Bi, Beastiality (odd for a furry world, eh?), herms, heck, I’ve even since one for tentacles.

Furcadia is almost limitless in what you can do. All you need to do is find someone willing, and hopefully good at writing, to do whatever you want in your role playing of sex. If you decided to join just whisper me, Aderes. I’ll be able to help you around the amazing and wonderful world of Furcadia.

Visit our forums for more discussion on Furcadia

The Atari Vibe

The Atari Vibe


Homemade Sex Toys.

Bless their hearts.

So, it's not quite a SexBox, but I'm sure the atari vibrator instructions over on HST will certainly make the retro fan in your life very happy. They can now grind away on their controller for hours on end while bombarding themselves with the latest chiptune releases from all the other bedroom-bound hermit geeks that've realized that they can't afford Native Instruments programs and therefore try their damnedest to make OctaMED cool again.

Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll go back to modding our XBox 360 controllers.

MMOrgy: World of Whorecraft

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Update 10/09/06: I'm assuming, if you're coming here from the google link, you're actually looking for this:

Click on the picture or here to go to the Whores of Warcraft Post, otherwise, continue as you were.

Well, now that we've had the World of P0rncraft, it's only fitting to mention World of Whorecraft.

This is obviously a joke. But, like all good jokes, parts of it are now coming true (an event I like to call "Onioning"). You can see elements of many multiplayer games in the descriptions, a Nostradomus-like charting of where MMOs are going (or at least, where we'd like them to go...).

MMOrgy: It's all in your head - Text Based Worlds - MUDs, MUCKs, and MOOs

Originally written by sumatrae for

In the days before the words Linden and Blizzard were inappropriate names for children, there were vast virtual worlds on the computer that were free, hedonistic and impossibly outrageous.

The good news is -- they're still here...but cun u spel gud enuf 2 uz them? OMFG11!!!!1

Before Second Life. Before Warcraft. Before SimCity. There were the MUCKS. Forget poseballs, GUI and point-and-click turn-based melees. We're talking old school interaction involving only a telnet connection and a vivid imagination. In essence, MUCKS are the great grandfather to the online worlds we have today -- a glorified chat program with the ability to meet friends, make new ones, pose actions and create objects...but nary a prim or pixel to be found.

That's right. Its all text.

Before you dismiss this type of thing as boring, keep in mind that MUCKS usually revolve around a particular theme. There's the hack-n-slash DND variety, there's adventure-based motifs, but the most common variety of MUCK is the furry/anthropormorphic realms of open roleplay. Notably, the most popular hangouts are Altered Realities, FurryMuck and Tapestries where humanoid animals get together to create immersive, interactive story plots about the wildly fantastic (say, finding buried treasure on the M-class planet of Kyra IV), or dance in a nightclub called the Purple Nurple, or--more commonly have intimate, frenetic and sometimes gonzo virtual sex. In short, the same freedoms to express yourself sexually and interact with others that you have in graphical worlds go double for what you can do in a text-based MUCK.

The good news is, you rely on your ability to create a lush world around you using words alone. The bad news is, you rely on your ability to create a lush world around you using words alone.

Sadly, with the rise of graphical worlds, MUCKS are slowly dying out - and for the wrong reasons. There's a general (genital?) consensus that says 'because you can 'see' your partner and interact graphically with him/her/it -- it must make online sex on a place like Second Life a more worthwhile experience'. That't not always the case. Take for instance, one of my particular kinks...transformation.

In a text based world, its alot easier to:

softly rake my claws against your bare thighflesh...watching with delight as tufts of fur push out like small cornrows from the crimson furrows left in the taloned fingers' wake

Try doing that in Second Life. To say nothing about trying to graphically act out other wilder fetishes out there. Its just more immersive and personal when you're typing out your poses than just clicking on something.

Text based worlds really bring out the theater-of-the-mind that graphical realms can't even begin to touch. In fact, places like SL have a tendency to dumb down the act of sex with poseballs and clickable gestures. Not that that's always a bad thing...but the brain is the largest sexual organ in your body. Use it.

Getting an account on a MUCK is free and requires only a shareware client to operate. Plus, you don't even need broadband. Each MUCK has its own rules about conduct and the types of characters allowed, so be sure and read the fine print. As a whole, citizens of a MUCK are very community minded and always happy to help. Of course, you're always welcome to drop me a lion if you wish.

Popular Mucks

Tapestries MUCK - a furry, BDSM friendly playspace

FurryMuck - the longest running anthro muck

Altered Realities - a human and furry gathering place for transformation fetishists

SpinDizzy - a small, grassroots furry friendly community

PuzzleBox. If you have to ask....

MUCKing software

Simple MU for PC

Savitar for MAC