
MMOrgy: qDot to speak on Sex in Games at SXSW Interactive

Originally written by qDot for

As the only staff member who can't possibly make it through a full round of cybersex without dying of giggle fits and faking connection disruptions right before that lovely moment of final virtual release, it's only fitting that I be the public face of the page.

So, I'll be speaking at South by Southwest Interactive, on the "Secret Sex Lives of Video Games" Panel on Tuesday, March 14th.

Come see us try and discuss emergent sex in video games in a vaguely academic way until we all break down and just start saying naughty words on the panel just because we can!

See me speak at SXSW Interactive 2006!


I'll be speaking at South by Southwest Interactive, on the "Secret Sex Lives of Video Games" Panel on Tuesday, March 14th.

The peanut gallery consists of:

Tony Walsh - ClickableCulture (A spiffy MMOG blog)

Glennis McClellan - Republik Games (Makers of hopefully spiffy MMOVSGs)

Julianne Greer - The Escapist (Makers of that "New Games Journalism" that the kids seem to love.)

Mark Wallache - Who Cares (Peddler of commy pinko yellow journalistic trash media and master of the occult practice of getting book deals about aforementioned trash media)

Kyle Machulis (aka qDot, aka qDot Bunnyhug, aka ME) - Nonpolynomial Labs/IGDA Sex In Games SIG/ (Lord of the Pixel Boobies)

All in all, it should be a good time. Of course, by good time, I mean at least 3 fistfights. I'll have the full rules to the SXSW Panel drinking game posted sometime in early March so everyone can start practicing.

So, if nothing else, go to watch me feel horribly alone in a mass of people who can use terms like "Web 2.0", "blogosphere" and "tagging" all in the same sentence while keeping a straight face AND not joking! I'll be spending my evenings in my hotel room burning myself with my soldering iron to remind me who I really am.

MMOrgy: Platforms for Sex MMO Development

Originally written by qDot for

So yesterday, I bitched and moaned about the use and reuse of the Seducity Engine. This brings up a good question, though. What else is there out there for the developer that wants to ramp up a quick sex environment without writing the server software from the ground up?

This week, the Multiverse Platform made the blog rounds. Basically, it's a middleware layer for MMOG's that will allow developers to quickly ramp a game idea to online fruition, sort of the same way FPS engines work. Where FPS engines are generally made for shooting each other (thus, the "shooter" part of the acronym), MMOG engines can easily be extended into virtual world (or at least, virtual environment, a small scale, genre-ized metaverse), creating 3d social spaces for people to meet, talk, and do other non-gamey things.

Like, say, have sex.

Of course, Multiverse isn't the only thing out there. There's also Big World Technology, which is basically the same thing. However, both of these obviously cost money. So what's the free solution? Users interested in an open source, academic, decentralized platform might want to check out Open Croquet. Based in the Squeak SmallTalk variant (a very, very, very hot language), OpenCroquet is meant to run as a personal server to a personal world. Unfortunatly, it's still in the early development stages, and probably won't be ready for prime time for quite a while.

Really, though, who needs graphics? Remember, there's always text worlds, where the only graphics updates you have to worry about are anti-aliased fonts. The software is free, and the world is as rich as the user's minds. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to turn toward the UK and pray to Bartle.

This is, by no means, a full list of all the software out there. It's simply something to get all of those out there that want to build a virtual world to explore their fantasies in, but have little or no engineering experience. Sure, you'll still need artists, designers, at least a couple of engineers, server space, time, and capital, but those are the only things between you and your new fetish-based world!

MMOrgy: XOXCity: VZones Sex World #2958

  • mmorgy
  • Seducity

Originally written by qDot for

In the efforts of absolutely and completely documenting all that has to do with MMO Sex, MMOrgy tepidly presents yet another front end to the VZones/WorldsAway engine, XOX City.

How this differs from Seducity, VZones, My Gay Sim Life, or any of the other engine reappropriations, I have no clue. But, we've documented it, our job is done.

via IGDA Sex In Games SIG Blog

Human Upgrades

Human Upgrades

Ew. Ewewewewew. Ew. Ew.

Ok, don't get me wrong here. I'm all about human upgrades. Implants? Hot shit. Totally hot. Sign me up as a Kevin Warwick test subject any day of the fucking week.

However, there is a fine line between "blow shit up with your brain" and "VAGINA TONGUE". Mainly the fact that one is cool, and the other means you're just a dedicated Cronenberg fan.

Human Upgrades is a series of photoshopped images showing what technology could do for the human form. It's honestly a pretty neat idea, I do love the sci-fiyness of it, but some of this stuff actually squicked me.

Yeah, that's right, I was squicked.

In this job I see a lot of things every day that would squick the common person to death, but for some reason, Poon Tongues and MultiNipples I can't handle. It wasn't as squicky as the ExtremeBME Fingernail Removal and Relocation page (easily the squickiest site for me on the net), but still, the squick, it was there.

So, kudos to you, whoever made this site. You have squicked the (now just almost) unsquickable.