
MMOrgy: Is It Masturbation If I Screw My Alt?

Originally written by camzet for

Ever catch a fleeting glance of your secret self as you arrive in London?

Wonder why they disappear so quickly? Could they be secretly stalking you? Maybe hoping for a glimpse of you naked?

Imagine them on their knees before you and that pretty ass ready for use ...

Or does your alt have a cock? ... Have a secret desire to taste your own cum?

Well here's the lowdown on how to screw your own alt.

  • Make sure you have an alt - create a new PC if your second PC slot is empty. An alt is shortened term for alternate or second character you are allowed in Socio. They are not logged in at the same time.

  • Log in the PC (player character) that you want to be the primary toon.
  • Log out and remember where you logged out.
  • Log in your alt.
  • Now with this alt, get close to the place where you logged out the primary PC and strip so that less than 50% percent of your genitals are showing and go into a room with a robot guard.

  • Now go into a room with a robot guard.

  • Now that your alt is flashing, quickly go to the place you logged out your primary PC and log off.
  • As quickly as possible, log in your primary PC. You only have a 1-2 minute window for grabbing your alt.
  • Go next to your flashing alt and select them. Then hold your alt.

  • Now go screw yourself!

  • Things to keep in mind while masturbating oops! I mean screwing your alt:
  • Your alt will not move, except into the positions you place them in.
  • Your alt will poof as soon as you let them go.
  • Usually you can only grab once before the time is up, even if they are still flashing, so don't let them go once you have them.
  • Any clothes (and the ballgag) will go into your alt's inventory if you disrobe them.
  • Chains and weapons (dildos and strapons being considered weapons) will go into your inventory when removed from your alt.
  • You can't impregnate your own alt or be impregnated by your alt. I know incest is best.. but you can't!

  • Then when all done, let go of your alt, and clean yourself off.

DildoCams For Sale

DildoCams For Sale

So Dildocams are nothing new. They've been around for quite a few years (and have even spawned a few lawsuits), and as a search on google can tell you, they seem to be quite popular as a porn keyword. We're planning on doing a dildocam building project here on Slashdong sometime in the future, but I don't see them on sale often, so I thought I'd go ahead and share this one.

Now, it looks like there's two RCA plugs coming off of it... One is video, but the other... Could that be a mono audio link?

If so, I'm getting one of these ASAP, and taking over the minimal environmental ambient scene. Move over Biosphere, there's a new band dropping microphones into gaping holes now!

MMOrgy: Second Life Tour: Furnation Prime

Originally written by Sumatrae for

My name is Sumatrae and I'm addicted to cybersex. (Hi! Sumatrae!)

From IM's to IRC to Mucking and now Second Life, my quest for the perfect scene is never ending. Isabelle has graciously given me a space here to blog my exploits as well as give you what I hope is an excellent travelogue of how diverse and entertaining sex in Second Life can be.

My first stop is one of the most famous portals in all of Linden - Furnation Prime.

Its a natural stop for me, since I am firmly entrenched in the furry fandom.

A bit of an aside -- Forget what CSI or the News says about TEH FURRIEZ. We're about as degenerate as Harley Davidson owners. We're not all Hell's Angels - and we're not all humping each other in animal costumes. For those of you new to what furries are, we tend to group ourselves in three overlapping communities.

  1. Those that enjoy 'funny' animals, esp. cartoons and comics (bugs bunny, Ninja Turtles)
  2. Those that have a personal anthropormorphic character: A humanoid alter ego with animal characteristics (eg. catgirls, foxmen)
  3. Those that want to form a closer bond with their animal side (, lycanthropy, totemism, spiritual journeys)

Sumatrae is my personal furry character that expresses the passionate, silly and hedonistic sides of me. It's also a link to my feline side Pantera Tigris Sumatrae. It's basically me in tigerstripes and a tail. If you'd like to know more about the furry fandom, check out the website to the largest furry convention in the world.

Now on to the fun...

Furry Fandom is now the largest single collective group in Second Life, so it's no wonder that Furnation Prime has the lion's share of the traffic, so to speak.

Furnation got its namesake from its vast online repository of furry porn artwork, boasting all the great and upcoming names of the anthropormorphic artistic world. On Second Life, Furnation Prime is comprised of a boutique, a pink hotel and a swinging hot spot. No, that's the Joni Mitchell Sim.

Near the main portal, there's a sandbox for open building and meeting new folks.

Nearby is the SkyMall to buy tails, ears and various furry friendly apparel. Further South is ClubFur and (my favorite) the open bathhouse. The bathhouse - like most places on SL - is feast or famine when it comes to finding someone new to chat up or meet a friend but it's such a natural magnet that it doesn't stay quiet for long.

Poseballs for public sexual acts are abundant and the energy is usually pretty positive. If someone asks you to 'yiff' them, its socially acceptable to say 'No, thanks', though you owe it to yourself to give interspecies romance a try at least once ;) Yiff is one of those furry euphemisms usually meant to 'have sex with' or describe something as sexually arousing (eg. The ass on that wolf was very yiffy).

The ingame radio affiliate Club69 is usually a little too eclectic for my tastes but the DJ's are very request friendly. DJ Shenryyr happily let me email him one of my favorite club anthems and played it almost instantly.

That about wraps up this installment. Next time, I'll interview Krysis Gall - Owner of the Haz Pazzar Turkish Bathhouse.

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MMOrgy: State of Sex : Sociolotron

Originally written by camzet for

Sociolotron is a world full of sex and violence. Gameplay revolves around it and the mechanics were developed to help the roleplaying within the game. Travelling through most of the areas of London (where Sociolotron takes place) will have you bumping into sluts, hookers, rapists, and lovers, just to name a few. A trip through the underground might give you a glimpse of NPCs asking for or selling sex, PCs doing the same, or couples fucking with abandon, body fluids leaking everywhere. You might also see a good fight between sworn enemies, vigilanties attacking a thief, or a rapist stalking his prey.

In this article, I'll give a basic rundown of the sex in Sociolotron - the mechanics and basic gameplay involved. This won't be mentioning any people or places (we'll get to that in later articles), but more of a voyeuristic overview.


Sex is one of the basic things every resident of Socio can do. If you cannot find a partner, then masturbation is an option. And sex is not limited to the traditional male/female relationships - it is possible for female/female, male/male, shemale/male, and shemale/female. For each combintation there is a listing of what is possible with your partner depending on your sex and theirs, plus the position you both are in at the time.

Keep in mind that the mechanics built into Socio are just meant as an addition to the roleplaying of scenes and life in Socio. A good roleplayer can have sex in Socio without even pressing a button.


Any player in Socio can have sex, but whether or not you find a willing partner is half the fun. For those unable to find a sex partner, there is masturbation or the myriad of NPCs who inhabit Socio.


There's a wide range of benefits and costs to having sex in Socio.

  • For those concerned about their morality - sex can help decrease or increase it. Location, how many times you orgasm and who you have sex with are all factors contributing to the rise and fall of your morals.
  • Having sex increases your Sex Urge and the Satisfaction of it. A high Sex Urge with low satisfaction will cause the NPCs to try and rape you as you wander the streets and wilds of Socio.
  • Of course, a big risk of sex is catching diseases and passing them on to others. Running around spreading diarrhea usually keeps all but the most daring of hookers away from you.
  • Guards are a big problem if you choose to do more than kiss in a public area. The government frowns on public displays and will take immediate action on those caught.
  • Then there are those who choose to prey on their fellow residents of Socio. Males and females should consider wearing a locked chastity belt if they don't want unwelcome advances on themselves.


As said before, sex can take place anywhere, but most usually in a house or bar to avoid the interference of guards. Done outside it will decrease your morals even faster.


For your character to wear or place on others, there are lockable wrist and ankle chains, lockable collars, ballgags for females, dildos which can be handled by anyone, strapons for the ladies, and whips.

Many residents of Socio keep slaves or are slaves themselves. Being a slave means your owner can strip you at will, grab you anytime and force you into any position without your consent. You also give up a portion of your earned experience to your owner. Some associations are very loose, some very controlling (many residents follow the Gor rules for owning slaves), and many own more than one slave.

Prostitution is one of the skills that many residents learn. It can help lower your morals quickly by hiring or being one, and many residents like the risk of not intimately knowing their partner. The experience and money gained from hooking can be very lucrative.

Quite a few painsluts crawl the streets looking for the many sadists around. Whipping or striking without causing permanent damage and orgasming will increase your Sado Urge, while orgasming while in great pain will cause your Maso Urge to rise.

The only limit is your imagination - much more can be easily roleplayed in Socio. Puppy play, live furniture, floor cleaners (sperm, body fluids, blood, scat), are just some of the things that come to mind.

But come to Socio... and find out for yourself!

Research for Sex In Games Project needs Interviewees

Brenda Brathwaite, head of the IGDA Sex In Games Special Interest Group is currently looking to interview several individuals who regularly engage in cybersex for an upcoming project she's working on. If you would like to be a part of this project, please contact her at brenda at mmorgy dot com.

via MMOrgy