
MMorgy: My Gay Sim Life - Seducity goes Gay

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Even though it doesn't make any references to what company is running it, it's pretty obvious that My Gay Sim Life is running on the Seducity engine.

Actually, there's almost no information on this world, period. The signup site consists of two pages (and a hefty $21.95/month usage fee, matching Seducity's Two Avatar fee), none of which provide interesting or provocative information about the world.

Even so, this is interesting in terms of repurposing of a world engine. I'm not sure if Seducity is running this site or if this is an outside company licensing the engine, tha major difference being the billing methods. I think we'll be seeing more generic sex based worlds being licensed and repurposed to cover specific sexuality preferences, fetishes, and interests.

Might virtual worlds become the gallery sites of the future? Probably not, but it's always fun to dream. :)

MMOrgy: Sumatrae, Newest MMOrgy SL/MUDs Author

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

MMOrgy welcomes our newest writer, Sumatrae! He'll be covering Second Life and MUDs/MUCKs for us.

MMOrgy: Research for SiG Project needs Interviewees

  • mmorgy
  • MMOrgy News

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Brenda Brathwaite, head of the IGDA Sex In Games Special Interest Group is currently looking to interview several individuals who regularly engage in cybersex for an upcoming project she's working on.

Who needs a bikini when it's all metal anyways?

Who needs a bikini when it's all metal anyways?

I'm not in the habit of advertising for companies that don't explicitly pay me to do so, but this is a special case. I was doing my daily gossip reading over at Defamer (damn, it's free advertising day here at Slashdong), and an ad for Svedka Swedish Vodka caught my eye. Now, I'm usually a Precis or Grey Goose drinker, but if we're going with mascot appeal, I think we have a new winner (Sorry, Grey Goose, my avian fetish is dying...).

This is Svedka_Grl, the new spokesmodel for Svedka Vodka. Combine this with their new slogan "The Future of Adult Entertainment," and the collective instant hardening of meat over at FemBotCentral and you've got the robot fetish equivilent of everyone in China jumping up and down at once. We may very well be flying off our usual orbital path of the Sun as we speak thanks to the sudden displacement caused by a million spontaniously raging machine lust induced hardons.

So, back to the serious critique. This is an interesting uses of tech sex. Sure, there's been robot fetishes for years. No 80's pad was complete without a Sorayama or two. However, this is the first time I've seen it used in mass media marketing in as long as I can remember (which isn't very long since I usually don't pay attention to this stuff). It's interesting to see the scantily clad bikini babe of normal alcohol ads replaced with a sleek, sexy 'bot who's into "elbow grease" and aspires to be a "dentist". The sexualizing of technology marches merrily on.

And just look at that picture. It's like she's saying "Come on big boy, I've been a naughty bot. Do me so hard that I compute measurements in standard units!"

MMOrgy: "Click Me, Baby!" - Opinions on SL Sex

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

There's a great series of articles by Noche Kandora currently up over at ApogeeVR.

Covering the entry of a new Av into the world of SL Sex, Noche makes a lot of good points about the abstraction of users from avs, as well as the joys of buying your very first genetalia.