Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for mmorgy.com.

Though he's only been in Second Life 3 months, qDot Bunnyhug has
already managed to revolutionize sex interaction in Second Life. As
the founder of Nonpolynomial Labs, by day he creates interaction
projects such as the
which allows SL Inhabitants to ride through the world on virtual
vehicles propeled by a real exercise bike. By night, he is the head
geek in charge at Slashdong, a site
dedicated to the best in DIY Sex Toys and Teledildonics, including
creating the first mechanism to control real life sex toys through
Second Life. I sat down with him for a chat about his projects in SL
so far, and his plans for the future.

MMOrgy: So tell us about your sex projects for SL so far.
qDot Bunnyhug: Well, the reason I joined Second Life in the first
place was to create a Teledildonics interface for it. Surprisingly,
that only took a couple of weeks. Basically, I used the XML-RPC
capabilities of the world to relay information back and forth between
the client's computer and the world. This information allows people in
world to set the force feedback speed of a controller on that user's
machine. I have also created a controller known as the
that has jacks for sex toys, triggered off of the force feedback
motors. So, users can hook up the SeXBox to their computer, make sure
feedback works, and then let others control that feedback speed. Put
all that together, and you have a virtual teledildonics service.
MMOrgy: Why come to SL for that, versus supporting video and audio
qDot Bunnyhug: Heh, well, the greatest thing about Second Life is
the development rampup is virtually nil, assuming you've got some
prior programming experience. The language, though it has it's quirks,
is simple enough to be learned in under a week. After that, using the
XML-RPC and email capabilties, you've got access to a world full of
useres and content. Sure, it may be a little slow, but the fact that I
could bring up the Second Life project in under 2 weeks from getting
my account is really a testament to what can be done in the world.
Compare this to the amount of time it's going to take to put together
an easy to use, cross-platform teledildonics service with video and
audio capabilties. It's nice to have something up and working that
After that, it's all about the features of the world. Sure, my
hardware allows other to control real life sex toys, but those others
could be damn near anything, since the world offers almost infinite
avatar customization. It lets people play out their fetishes the way
they want, which really adds something to the online sex experience as
a whole.
MMOrgy: So, the big question then: How was the testing phase? :)
qDot Bunnyhug: Well, a good sex toy inventor never fucks and tells
(or, actually, they do, but, well... nevermind), so let's just say I'm
aware that it is fully functioning. :)

MMOrgy: Are you aware of anyone else in Second Life who has built
your project?
qDot Bunnyhug: Not as of yet. A surprisingly small number of
people seem to be interested in soldering bare wires to things that
will later go near their more... sensitive areas. I know of at least a
few people who have built the SeXBox controller though, so it can be
reproduced. Maybe one of these people will hit Second Life soon.
Message me if you do!
MMOrgy: Any plans to sell it?
qDot Bunnyhug: As soon as we get a version that's stable and
consistent, yes, we are definitely interested in selling the finished
product. We're actually interested in the use of Second Life and other
MMO currancy systems as payment forms for "real" products, too. Unlike
Credit Cards and other payment systems, you don't have to worry about
privacy, chargebacks, and transaction fees. However, since the money
holds no real value except in the minds and wallets of the inhabitants
of the world, the market can fluctuate rather wildly at a whim,
meaning if you don't sell off quickly and readjust your prices to the
market, you could lose money. It's a risky situation, but it brings up
some interesting economic points. However, I digress, I'm sure your
readers probably don't find economics sexy.
MMOrgy: You'd be surprised. So what are your plans for the future?
qDot Bunnyhug: First off, I'm interested in getting things working
a little better than in the first version of the sex toy control
project. That was my first project on Second Life ever, and it shows.
You can only change speed with a frequency of around 3 seconds per
change, which is obviously very slow. I've got a few different ideas
in mind to speed this up.
I'm also working with Kyrah Abbatoir on interactive BDSM toys for
Second Life. There's been a few computer controlled BDSM toys around,
such as the Utopex Spanker, but no one has
really done much with the idea of interactive, remote controlled
bondage yet. Of course, it's a pretty daunting area to be dealing
with, but it's fun nonetheless.
MMOrgy: Sounds cool! Thanks for your time, and I look forward to
your new projects!
qDot Bunnyhug: No problem! Thanks!