
Obscene Machines being shown on Channel 4 Tomorrow

Obscene Machines being shown on Channel 4 Tomorrow

For those of you that didn't catch it the first time around, the Obscene Machines Documentary on tech sex and fetishes is being shown on Channel 4, Tuesday 4th Oct 2005, 22:55 to 00:00 (BST, GMT+1).

Also, if you happen to have an encoder and wouldn't mind recording it, I'll be happy to set up a torrent of the show once I get a copy.

via The Sex Drive Mailing List

The ButtKicker

The ButtKicker

There's really nothing like sitting on top of a subwoofer to... break a subwoofer. However, if you really feel the need to get up close and personal with the bass your games are producing, you can now use the ButtKicker. Basically, it's a subwoofer that straps to your chair. Any time the game your playing puts out bass frequency, it uses the chair as output. Nothing like a tingly butt to make an environment more immersive. You know, if you like tingly butt environments.

Also: The webpage contains some of the worst oh-faces ever. I mean, really, I don't know if I wanna buy something that's gonna make me make THAT face.

The Sex Machine Book

The Sex Machine Book

Ever wonder what Slashdong project photos would look like if they were taken by someone with actual talent, versus a nerd with a digital camera? Well, I can only hope they'd come out looking like something near the quality of The Sex Machine Book (Link goes to their blog). This new photography and interview book showcases the machines of some of the best sex builders out there. The photography is absolutely stunning, and the interviews reveal the interesting people behind the somewhat scary toys.

Maybe someday we'll actually finish a project worthy of being photographed. Too bad that "finish a project" part is so damn difficult.

via Fleshbot

Totems: The Next Level of InfoPorn

Totems: The Next Level of InfoPorn

I am information's bitch.

Seriously. Take some information, make it pretty, and I will sit there and drool like a raver on acid, happily staring at it for hours. Information Aesthetics is one of my favorite blogs thanks to this (WHY MUST YOU GO ON VACATION?!?! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!). It's not often that I get to combine InfoPorn with REAL porn though, so this post makes me extra happy.

Totems is an art project that creates sex toys from porn viewing density mapped against time over the course of a day. Data about websites visited by users were mapped based on Porn versus Non-porn viewing. The resulting graphs were spun around an axis and printed using a 3D printer, in order to make (not-so-comfortable, but hell, some people apparently like that sort of thing) sex toys.

Sex generated Sex Toys. I gotta go change pants. Again.

via We Make Money Not Art

Interview on IGDA Sex In Games Blog with qDot

Interview on IGDA Sex In Games Blog with qDot

Ever wonder what it would look like if I actually tried being serious? Well, it'd be something like the 5 questions interview with me that's over at IGDA Sex In Games Blog right now. I think it's a pretty good explanation of why I do what I do, though I had to leave out the whole fame of waving dildos around on the internet and acting like I'm a scientist.

Speaking of game industry news, assuming I can finally stop flaking out and remember to order my pass, I'll be at the Austin Games Conference next month. So if you're going to be there, drop me a line in email or IM or Second Life or whatever, I'll need drinking buddies.