
Mojowijo - The Wiimote Vibrator, Round 2

Mojowijo - The Wiimote Vibrator, Round 2


A few years ago, we posted about the OIOO, a cover for the wiimote that turned it into an adult toy. While that product never went to market completely, it looks like someone else has decided to pick up the idea and run with it. The Mojowijo is apparently a new toy that's going to be heading for the market soon. from their website, "Using Mojowijo's patent pending Motion2Vibration technology" (oh lord is that ever gonna run into some prior art from, well, you know, the link earlier in this post, and even if it doesn't Immersion will have their ass on a platter), you can shake the wiimote, and it will cause the other once to react.

Here's a demo video.

So yeah, other than the whole patent pending thing (which if true could make this project a non-starter), I'm interested to see where this is going. As with most other products these days, there's a twitter and facebook account available for updates. They're also looking for people to beta test, so visit their webpage if you're interested.

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

I originally found out about Sputniko!, the art site of Hiromi Ozaki, via the oft-referenced-here We Make Money Not Art post about her Crowbot Jenny Project. However, after poking around the site a little bit, I found Penis Cybernetique.

It's geometry and genetalia, at the same time. I can't really express the awesomeness in words here.

Penis Cybernetique is a prosthetic penis, build by Sputniko! simply to answer the question, "What's it like to have a penis?"

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

The penis moves up and down based on heart rate, so it's actually like having a real penis, if slighty less accur... Oh, ok, who am I kidding, every guy knows we get hardons constantly due to things much more random than heart rate. So I'm gonna say it's right on the money in terms of reaction design.

Not only, that, it's an open source penis! The code is hosted on sourceforge. Awesome. :D

Sputniko! and the Penis Cybernetique

There's even a version 2 happening, that will use a silicon skin to make for a more organic look and feel.

Other things that might be of interest from the Sputniko! site:

The Menstruation Machine, the story of a boy who builds a machine so that he can feel what the bleeding of menstruation is like, but also for women who may want to feel the event again once menstruation has become obsolete.

Child Producing Machine, a song about wanting to be a cyborg rather than having to deal with menstruation.

IRC #slashdong - Now on Freenode

IRC #slashdong - Now on Freenode

Freenode Logo

I've been on IRC for far, far too long. Most of the time these days I can be found hanging around various places on Freenode (#emacs,

acemonstertoys, etc...). However, I just realized, hey! Slashdong is

about free stuff! Why not start a channel?

So I did.

There's now a #slashdong on Freenode.

If you're not currently using IRC, you may want to try the Quassel Client for all platforms or Colloquy for OS X, though yes, mIRC still exists, too. Of course, none of those will work with my deldo extensions for ERC

Come, enjoy text based chat with me! Or at least make me stop feeling so utterly alone.

Deldo - The Sex Toy and Teledildonics Mode for Emacs

Deldo - The Sex Toy and Teledildonics Mode for Emacs

If it weren't for sex robots, I'd never get laid, 'cause, well, of this video right here.

Yup. Remember a few years ago when we had a finger interface to the trancevibe? I decided to kick that up a notch and take the environment I love to new, questionable heights.

Deldo is a vibrator control package for emacs. Currently, it just works with Trancevibrator compatible toys, but it'd be very easy to move this to other toys.

With Deldo, you can trigger vibration on anything that can have a hook in emacs, which is just about everything. Spelling corrections, compilation errors, recieving email, whatever it is, it can vibrate or shock or thrust or whatever now.

The source is available on my github account,

Erotic HCI at NordiCHI 2010

Erotic HCI Workshop at NordiCHI 2010 Call For Papers

Who wants to go to Iceland and talk about sex with computers? I do! I do!

NordiCHI 2010 Logo

Much like the Sexual Interactions Workshop at SIGCHI 2006, the Erotic HCI Workshop at NordiCHI 2010 will be a day long workshop on sex and human/computer interaction. The call for papers is currently up, and papers are due by August 1. Topics include:

  • New designs and interfaces
  • Original user research and empirical studies
  • Critical essays that explore relations between cultural theory and human-computer sexual interaction
  • Theories, models, and frameworks for the design and evaluation of systems to support erotic life
  • Case studies
  • Inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary research on erotic life and HCI

The 2006 workshop was awesome, and I expect this one to be just as good!