
MMOrgy: 5 Finger Pie

Originally written by Isabelle Pavlova for

Noche Kandora, of Apogee VR fame, has a new blog up called 5 Finger Pie. It's part personal posts, part posts about her sex in games experiences outside of Second Life. I'm sure we can expect more of the incredbly high calibur writing in this blog that we've come to expect from Apogee VR.

A Few Online Sex Resources

So while I've been reading up and adding things to the Slashdong Wiki (something I'm kinda sorta half-assed announcing through multiple blog posts until I actually get it populated enough to do something real), I've found some other wikis and community sites that I think SD readers might be interested in:

  • The Stockroom Forums - Lots of very smart sex people all gathered in one place. Violet Blue, Midori, Steve Diet Goette, KumiMonster, Lucky Lana, as well as Allen from The ThrillHammer and as of about 10 minutes ago, me.
  • The London Fetish Scene Wipipedia - Everything you could ever want to know about BDSM, in user-updatable wiki form.
  • The BME Wiki - Everything you could ever want to know about putting things on or in yourself that were not originally on/in there.

a couple of those via Tiny Nibbles

Interview with Violet Blue on Teledildonics

Interview with Violet Blue on Teledildonics

Over at Clean Sheets, a great online erotica magazine, there's a (2 month old. Gah, sooooo far behind) interview with Violet Blue (whom I have now met and can confirm is a real person, versus a piece of cognisant, sex educating AI stored on a computer somewhere) on the current (as of 2 months ago) state of teledildonics and sex tech. Lots of good information, and more importantly, good references to Slashdong, so, all around, I feel this piece is definitely Pulitzer material.

Love Detection, Technology Style

Love Detection, Technology Style

Why lean on gut feeling and fate to find true love when you can give someone your hard earned cash to tell you whether things will work or not? If you find yourself thinking that often, Love Detector is here for you!

Love Detector uses some of that crazy voodoo "technology" stuff that also runs the internet and my toaster and whatever makes my VCR blink 12:00 to analyze voices over any quality line on a range of processors, including your PC, your cellphone, and your pocket pc!

As their site says:

The concept of actually having a tool that can tell you whether the person you are talking to really loves or care for you is incredible and unbelievable.

I'll say! It's totally both! At the same time, even!

I swear, if I could get this thing to register a positive feedback while I was saying "Ike loves you, baby" to someone, well, that might make my day as much as the whole FORM LIKE VOLTRON search did.

via Shiny Shiny from like a month ago. Yes, I'm still catching up.

And another thing.

You know. Some days, you realize your purpose in life, why you were put here on planet Earth.

Like today, when I found out that when you google "Form Like Voltron".

Slashdong comes up as THE SECOND LINK.

No, seriously. I mean, I come up first on a bunch of terms, like 3Feel and Woomba and vr sex toys.

But dude.

"Form Like Voltron"?

I win at internets. I totally, totally win.