Article on The Future of Sex
Neat article over on CNN about the future of sex toys, and a new field
called "Teledildonics".
Yeah, where the fuck is my name, anyways? Huh? HUH?
So, I'll take the bitchy stance.
"No one who is even inventing this stuff wants or even thinks that
technology could ever replace human connection or sex."
Bullshit, motherfuckers. From day one, I've said I'm doing this to put
controls on breeding rates so that I could use hidden features in my
software to breed a virtual master race and RULE THE WORLD.
But now that I've told you this, I'll have to kill you in some slow,
easily foilable way.
Others suspect the technology is also far off. "Right now they are
having trouble making robots that just sweep floors," said Pepper
Schwartz, a sociology professor at the University of Washington in
Seattle and author of many books on sex.
Yeah, but a thruster requires an offset cam and a motor. That's not
exactly iRobot level shit, and it does people /just/ fine.
Marvin Minsky, a pioneer in the study of artificial intelligence
dating back to 1951, said such devices could either trigger an actual
physical response from the brain, or have the entire experience take
place in the mind with the sensation of sex -- but without the mess or
risk of sexually transmitted disease.
Fuckin' A, Dr. Minsky. There's a reason BDSMers can be trained to
remotely orgasm. It's all in the mind. We're already there if you're
trainable, but it's getting the other 99.999...% that need manual
"But if the game (industry) people got involved in some
underdeveloped country that didn't have any laws against it, it could
all happen twice as fast."
Ok, I'm moving to South America, and I'll need some test subjects to
come with me.
"There is a great deal of pushing people out of social relations into
a kind of simulated relationship, which in fact decreases what is
essential in human life, which is sociability -- one's capacity to
relate to other people," said John Gagnon, a veteran researcher and
author on many books on sexuality.
I think we're gonna see this in virtual worlds in general though, not
just due to sex. Sure, sexuality will exacerbate the issue since it's
such a deeply emotional act, but I foresee basic virtual world
addiction being a much bigger problem.